Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
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	The metropolis and commercial center of South Dakota, county seat of
Minnehaha county, on the C., M. & St. P., M & O., C., R. I. & P., Illinois
Central, Great Northern and South Dakota Central Rys.; also the Big Sioux
river. Has street railways, water and electric light plants, paved streets,
with cement and stone sidewalks and all the requirements of a modern city.
The falls, within half a mile of the center of the city, are being utilized
for water power at a cost of about $350,000. Has a high school building
costing $130,000, fine church and school buildings, a Carnegie public
library building costing $30,000, Sioux Falls college, a Normal school, State
Deaf & Dumb Institute and the State Orphans Home; a costly court house and 
federal building, with many large business houses and fine homes. Sioux
Falls is favorably located to command a large wholesale trade from the rapidly
developing country to the west and northwest, and bids fair to become a large
city and one of the great commercial centers of the northwest. The business
men are wide-awake and enterprising and are constantly seeking the trade of a
wider district. By writing to any of the names in prominent type, on the 
following pages, full information can be secured. Population 18,500.

Last Name                            First Name             Business
Abbott                               G. W.                  sec, Union Savings Assn
Abbott                               M. E.                  atty-at-law
Ackerman                             M. L.                  clothing
Adams                                C. D.                  prop, Olympia Theater
Adams                                G. E.                  prop Hotel Grace
Adams                                J. P.                  sec-treas Brown & Saenger
Adams                                John S.                carriage painter
Advance Thresher Co.                                        Albert Kiehl, agt
Aggola & Bunde                                              real estate
Agrant                               J.                     jeweler
Ahmann                               L. J.                  agent, Blatz Brewing Co.
Aikens & Judge                                              attys-at-law
Aldrich                              H. C.                  groceries
Aldrich                                                     see Sturtevant & Aldrich
All Saints Music Studio
All Saints School                                           Rev W H Hare pres
Allbee                               B. F.                  restaurant
Allen                                J. B.                  fire insurance
Allen                                                       see McKinney & Allen
American Exchange State Bank                                E G Kennedy pres, Wm Ontjes vice-pres, M J Gotthelf cashier
Andersen Hotel                                              Andersen Hotel Co, props
Anderson                             C. W.                  agent, Theo Hamm Brewing Co
Anderson                             K. N.                  groceries
Anderson                             L.                     livery and implements
Anderson & Son                                              whol harness
Anderson Bros.                                              harness and saddlery
Anderson Whip Co.
Arendt                               Chas.                  chief, fire department
Argus-Leader Co., The                                       publishers The Daily Argus Leader, B C Dow mgr
Ark of Refuge, The                                          Anna Gullekson president, home for women
Arndt                                Cyrus                  mgr, Keeley Institute
Arnold                               W. L.                  confectionery
Avery                                H. M.                  mgr, Interstate Realty Co.
Avery & McCreery                                            props, Union Delivery System
Avery Co.                                                   Frank McDermott mgr, farm machinery
Babcock                              West                   life insurance
Bach                                 C. J.                  sec, Dakota Portland Cement Co.
Bach                                 R. E.                  sec-treas, Dakota Mattress Co.
Bailey                               T. A.                  sec, W V Harrington Co
Bailey                               W. H.                  Turkish baths
Bailey & Voorhees                                           (Charles O Bailey, John H Voorhees, Peter G Honegger and Frederic B Eaton) attorneys-at-law
Baker                                Fred                   meat market
Baker                                W. L.                  vice-pres, Minnehaha National Bank
Ballard & Son                                               monuments
Baptist Church (Beulah)
Baptist Church (First)                                      Rev H R Best, pastor
Baptist Church (Swedish)                                    Rev Carl O Dalhed, pastor
Barackman                            R. L. (Rev.)           pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Barber                               M. M.                  transfer
Barber & Woodruff                                           saloon
Barnett Bros. Laundry
Barr                                 Charles                saloon
Barton                               John                   sec, Sioux Falls Tennis Association
Barwin & Co.                         J. W.                  groceries
Bates & Parliman                                            (Charles P Bates and Ralph W Parliman), attorneys-at-law
Bauch                                L.                     meat market
Baysore & Dougherty                                         restaurant
Beach Mfg. Co.                                              E C Storm sales mgr, machinery
Beach Printing Co.                   Will A.                printers, binders, lithographers and stationers
Bean Rooming House                                          Mary E Nobles, prop
Beattie                              C. R.                  mgr, California Fruit Growers Exchange
Beattie                              C. R.                  mgr, Union Brokerage Co.
Beattie                              C. R.                  res mgr, Cartan & Jeffrey
Beattie & Co.                        C. R.                  mdse brokers
Becher                               Phil                   tailor
Bechtold & Fritz                                            mfg jewelers
Beck                                 C. F.                  blacksmith
Becker                               E.                     costumer
Becks                                Ambrose B.             attorney-at-law
Bee Hive Co.                                                genl mdse
Beebe                                E. P.                  investments
Beecher                              Fred                   mgr, Sioux Falls Opera House
Bell                                 C. L.                  saloon
Benedict & Wilkinson                                        jewelers
Bennett                              O. W.                  recruiting officer, U S Navy Recruiting Station
Benson                               Phillip                barber
Bergh                                Martin                 attorney-at-law
Bernhart                             P.                     drugs
Bessler Bros.                                               groceries
Best                                 H. R. (Rev.)           pastor, First Baptist Church
Best                                 H. R. (Rev.)           sec, Sioux Falls College
Beveridge                            A.                     city treasurer
Biegger                              John (Jr.)             mgr, Sioux Falls Electric Light & Power Co.
Bigelow                              Arthur E.              prop, Sioux Falls Rug Factory
Biller                               George (Rev.)(Jr.)     vicar, Episcopal Calvary Cathedral
Billion                              Henry                  undertaker
Billion                              Thomas J.              physician
Black                                J. H. J.               sec, Elks' Club
Blackman                             F. L.                  real estate
Blackman                                                    see Wells & Blackman
Blakley                              Geo. K.                mgr, Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.
Bleeg                                Jno P.                 mgr, Henry H Van Brunt Co
Bliss & Co.                          W. A.                  feed and seeds
Bob & Nels Clothing Co.                                     Mabel Shakstad, sec
Boobes                               Dave                   cleaning and pressing
Booth                                C. V.                  county coroner, undertaker
Booth                                Fred M.                contractor and builder
Booth                                Will H.                jeweler
Bowring                              A. E.                  agt, Internat'l Harvester Co
Boyce                                J. W.                  pres, Sioux Falls Opera House Co.
Boyce & Warren                                              attorneys-at-law
Brackenbrough                        J. H.                  restaurant
Bradstreet Co.                                              O K Pettingill, supt
Bratager                             I. L.                  pres, Sioux Falls Plow Co.
Bratrud                              C. C.                  real estate
Bray                                 G. C.                  livery
Bray                                 J. C.                  livery
Breed                                George                 saloon
Bright                               H. W.                  genl agt, Sterling Mfg Co
Brison & Pederson                                           tinners
Brown                                D.                     veterinary surgeon and dentist
Brown                                Ernest L.              notary public, real estate, loans and collections
Brown                                Ferdinand              dentist
Brown                                J. M. (Rev.)           First Methodist Episcopal Church
Brown                                O. A.                  sec, Minnehaha Country Club
Brown                                R. F.                  drugs
Brown                                R. H.                  sec, Dakotah Club
Brown                                Roscoe                 sec, Dacotah Club
Brown                                S. A.                  physician
Brown                                T. H., M. R. & O. A.   props, Sioux Investment Co.
Brown                                W. E.                  clothes cleaning
Brown & Kelley                                              props, New Dakota Laundry
Brown & Saenger (inc)                                       Eugene Saenger pres and general mgr, James Elliott vice-pres and sales mgr, J P Adams sec and treas, printers, bookbinders, blank book makers and office supplies
Brown Apartments                                            Oscar A Brown, mgr
Brown Drug Co.                                              A R Fellows, mgr
Brownell                             H. F.                  rep, Burroughs Adding Machine Co
Bruce                                A.                     sec, Sioux Falls Metal Culvert Co.
Brucker                              Carl                   mfr cigars
Buchanan                             J. R.                  barber
Budgett                              W. J.                  second-hand goods
Buell                                John                   cigars and pool
Buell                                O. J.                  agt, Great Northern Exp Co
Bukovsky                             Lad                    tailor
Bullock                              Seth                   U S Marshal
Bunde                                A. O.                  attorney
Bunde                                                       see Aggola & Bunde
Burdett & Co.                        W. J.                  groceries
Burkhart                             Jacob (Rev.)           pastor, United German Evangelical Church
Burns                                John J.                clothes cleaner
Burnside                             Geo. W.                mgr, Silent Sioux Auto Mfg Co
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.                                H F Brownell, representative
Burt                                 Kent                   genl agent, Racine-Sattley Co
Burtch                               Alf P.                 signs of all kinds
Burton                               S. B.                  mgr, G Heileman Brewing Co
Butler                               Henry                  second-hand gds
Butts                                W. A.                  restaurant
Buxbaum Clothing Co.                                        M H Heller, mgr
Buxton                                                      see Parker & Buxton
Buyse                                                       see O'Connor & Buyse
Cadwell                              Chas. A.               resident mgr, Dakota Moline Plow Co.
Cadwell & Co.                        O. C.                  pianos
Cahalin                              J. D.                  saloon
Caille                               Louis                  pres, The Realty Co.
Caille                               Louis                  real estate
Caille                               Louis                  sec, Sioux Falls Opera House Co.
California Fruit Growers Exchange                           C R Beattie, mgr
Campbell                             L. C.                  general agent, Equitable Life Insurance Co of Des Moines, Iowa
Cannon                               F. W.                  dentist
Carland                              John E.                US Dist Judge
Carleton                             Jerry                  chief Deputy U S Marshal
Carlisle                             C. L.                  dentist
Carlson                              O. J.                  road master C, M & St P Ry
Carnegie Free Public Library                                Nettie L Current, librarian
Carpenter                            G. S.                  real estate
Carr                                 F. G.                  drugs
Cartan & Jeffrey                                            C R Beattie res mgr, brokerage and commission
Carter                               G. J.                  lumber
Cascade Rooming House                                       Miss Rose Lynch, prop
Cataract Book & Stationery Co. (inc)                        Ingwall H Dokken pres, Oscar L Solie treas and sec
Cataract Hotel                                              W C Keeley, prop
Catholic Church                                             Rev Thomas O'Gorman, bishop
Cedar Rapids Grain Co.                                      F W Koneman, mgr
Central Hotel                                               Will H Geis, prop
Cherry                               U. S. G.               attorney
Chicago House                                               D E Strub, prop
Christenson & Dempster Co.                                  stationery
Christian Science Church
Christian Science Reading Room
Christopherson                       C. A.                  attorney-at-law, notary public
Christopherson                       G. C.                  pres Sioux Falls Business College
Christopherson                       M. C.                  sec Sioux Falls Business College
Christopherson                                              see Morstad & Christopherson
Chubb                                Chester N.             supt, Sioux Falls Gas Co
Church and School (quarterly)                               Rev Frank P Leach managing editor and publisher, Rev Charles M Daley associate editor
Clark                                J. B.                  real estate
Clark Implement Co.                                         Jas Donovan mgr
Claus & Cook                                                props, Electric Cons Co
Clemens                              F. E.                  photographer
Cleveland                                                   see Monson & Cleveland Co.
Club Barn                                                   W F Keller mgr, livery
Collier                              D. A.                  postoffice inspector
Columbia House                                              Mrs G V Francis prop
Commercial Club                                             H E Wyllie sec
Commercial News (m)                                         E J Mannix editor
Cone                                 James W.               abstracter
Connor                               F. J.                  supt, water works
Conway                               D. J.                  notary public, city attorney
Conway                                                      see Muller & Conway
Cook                                                        see Claus & Cook
Cook                                                        see Dotson & Cook
Cooke                                M. A. (Miss)           millinery
Coombe                               J. O.                  mgr W H Dickinson & Co
Coon                                 R. G.                  prop Don Almo Cigar Co
Coon Bros. & Mumby                                          (J H, N N and E C Coon and C H Mumby), real estate, farm lands and ranches
Cooper                               F. J.                  mgr, Creamery Package Mfg Co
Cooper                                                      see Hanger & Cooper
Co-Operative Coal Co                                        A S Johnson mgr, coal, wood and grain
Co-Operative Mercantile Supply Co.
Corderman                            E. S.                  cigars
Corderman                                                   see Geis & Corderman
Costello                             J. M.                  furniture
Cotton                               P. J.                  blacksmith
Craig                                D. Willard             physician
Craig                                J. A.                  pres, Metropolitan Club
Crandall & Co.                       C. C.                  real estate
Creamery Package Mfg Co                                     F J Cooper, mgr
Cressey                              K. B.                  asst cashier, Sioux Falls Savings Bank
Culver                               C. F.                  physician
Cummings                             A. B.                  genl agt, Sandwich Mfg Co
Current                              Nettie L.              librarian, Carnegie Free Public Library
Dacotah Club                                                Roscoe Brown, sec
Dacotah Hotel                                               Andersen Hotel Co, props
Daily Argus-Leader (d and W)                                The Argus-Leader Co publishers, Charles M Day pres and editor, B C Dow mgr
Dakota Malt & Grain Co.                                     C J Langefeldt pres, James Jacobs sec and treas
Dakota Mattress Co.                                         J F Rhoda pres, R E Bach sec-treas, manufacturers mattresses and bedding
Dakota Moline Plow Co.                                      Chas A Cadwell, res mgr
Dakota Portland Cement Co.                                  D B Zimmer pres, C J Bach sec
Dakotah Club                                                R H Brown sec
Daley                                Charles M. (Rev.)      associate editor, Church and School (quarterly)
Dalhed                               Carl O. (Rev.)         pastor, Swedish Baptist Church
Dalton Bros.                                                props, Queen City Bottling Works
Damrau                               George A.              tailor
Dance                                Wm. H.                 mgr, Majestic Theatre
Danforth                             George J.              attorney-at-law, states attorney
Daniels                              E. J.                  real estate
Davis                                C. A.                  dentist
Davis, Lyon & Gates                                         attorneys
Day                                  Charles M.             pres and editor, The Daily Argus-Leader
De Good                                                     see Kattleman & De Good
De Lavel Cream Separator Co.                                W A Gilfillan, agent
Dean                                 Jas. J.                cigars
Deere Plow Co.                       John                   C P Dunning mgr
Dempster                                                    see Christenson & Dempster Co.
Dempster Mill Mfg Co.                                       J H Dempster, mgr
Demuth                               Hans                   pres Herold Publishing Co, notary
Dennis                               H. R.                  pres, Sioux Falls Saving Bank
Dennis                               Roger L.               cash, Sioux Falls Saving Bank
Denton                               G. H.                  confectionery
Denton                                                      see Farley & Denton
Detlie                                                      see Olson & Detlie Carriage Co.
Deutcher Herold (w)                                         Herold Publishing Co, publishers
Devers & Co.                                                shoe store
Dickenson                            R. W.                  confectionery
Dickenson Automobile Co.                                    W J A Dickenson mgr
Dickenson Bros.                                             automobiles
Dickinson & Co.                      W. H.                  J O Coombe mgr, grain commission
Dinsmore                             E. B.                  life ins
Diver                                A. F.                  agt, Natl Cash Register Co.
Dokken                               Ingwall H.             pres, Cataract Book & Stationery Co. (inc)
Don Almo Cigar Co.                                          R G Coon, prop
Donahoe                              J. D. & H. E.          dentists
Donahoe Bros.                                               ice
Donovan                              Jas.                   mgr, Clark Implement Co.
Donovan                              Joseph Mitchell        attorney-at-law, notary public
Dotson & Cook                                               pub South Dakota Farmer and Sioux Falls Daily Press
Dougherty                                                   see Baysore & Dougherty
Douthit                              George R.              life ins
Dow                                  B. C.                  mgr, The Daily Argus-Leader
Dow                                  E. W.                  sec, Perfection Block Machine Co
Dow & Son                            W. L.                  architects
Drady                                John                   saloon
Dreamland Amusement Co.                                     A C Hoganson mgr
Dunham Hospital                                             Whitfield O Dunham physician in charge
Dunning                              C. P.                  mgr, John Deere Plow Co.
Dunning Drug Co.                     L. T.
Dutcher                              W. A.                  life ins
Dwight                                                      see Knowles & Dwight
East Sioux Falls Co-Operative Stone Co.                     G H Perry pres
Eaton                                Frederic B.            attorney (Bailey & Voorhees)
Eavens & Co.                         H.                     clothing
Edmison                                                     see Northrup & Edmison
Edwards                              Ira J.                 Deputy U S Marshal
Effting & Co.                                               groceries
Egan                                 George W.              attorney-at-law
Egan                                 M. H.                  physician
Ege                                  E. G.                  mgr, Emerson-Newton Implt Co
Eisner                               Max                    dentist
Eldridge & Fletcher                                         implements
Electric Cons. Co.                                          Claus & Cook, props
Elks' Club                                                  J H J Black, sec
Ellingson Bros.                                             automobiles
Elliott                              James                  vice-pres and sales mgr, Brown & Saenger
Emerson-Newton Implement Co.                                E G Ege mgr
Eneboe                               J. P.                  osteopath
Enger                                G. P.                  saloon
English Evangelical Lutheran Church                         Rev J G M Hursh, pastor
Ening                                F. H.                  sec, Soo Club
Ening & Trickey                                             cigars
Episcopal Calvary Cathedral                                 Rev George Biller Jr vicar
Equitable Life Insurance Co.                                L C Campbell, genl agt
Erickson                             Geo. W.                attorney-at-law
Eshbaugh                             E. F.                  life insurance
Eskaf                                Nassif (Mrs.)          dressmaking
European Hotel                                              F B Freeman, prop
Evangelical Church (Zion)                                   Rev W Proehl, pastor
Falde                                H. G.                  mgr, Sioux Falls Medical Institute
Fanebust & Sons                      L.                     contractors
Fantle Bros.                                                department store
Faragher                             Basil                  stenographer
Faragher                             F. H.                  barber
Farley & Denton                                             cigars
Farley-Loetscher Co.
Fawick                               N. O.                  plumber
Featherstone                         J. O.                  general roofer, tar and gravel a specialty
Fellows                              A. R.                  mgr, Brown Drug Co.
Felt                                                        see Hoffman & Felt
Fenn Bros. (inc)                                            cigars
Feres & Bros.                        Sam                    dry goods
Fernyhough                           J. H.                  attorney-at-law
Ferris & Son                         Jas.                   plumbers
Fickes                               C. E.                  groceries
Field                                Fredell E.             dentist
Fielder                              C. A.                  groceries
First Christian Church                                      Rev G W Knight, pastor
First Church of Christ (Scientist)                          W B Thompson, reader
First Congregational Church                                 Rev Frank Fox, pastor
First Free Methodist Church                                 Rev B Gaddis, pastor
First Methodist Episcopal Church                            Rev J M Brown, pastor
First Presbyterian Church                                   Rev R L Barackman pastor
Fitz Gibbon                          John                   mgr, Sioux Falls Fuel Co.
Fitzgerald                           J. J.                  fire ins
Fitzgerald                           W. A.                  barber
Fjerestad                            H. C.                  groceries
Flaskey                              M. M.                  groceries
Fleischer                            C. C.                  dentist
Flemmer                              G. H.                  mgr for SD, The Prudential Insurance Co of America
Fletcher                                                    see Eldridge & Fletcher
Fogarty                              J. F.                  saloon
Foran                                P.                     confectionery
Fortune                              Robert                 feed barn
Fosdick & Son                        T. J.                  clothing
Foster                               H.                     meat market
Foster                               T. Henry               mgr, John Morrell & Co Ltd
Foster Bros.                                                groceries
Fox                                  Frank (Rev.)           pastor, First Congregational Church
Fox                                  G. U.                  photographer
Franberg                             O. W.                  groceries
Francis                              G. V. (Mrs.)           prop, Columbia House
Francis                              Geo. V.                saloon
Frederick                            J. C.                  jeweler
Frederick                            Wellington G.          jeweler
Freeman                              F. B.                  prop, European Hotel
Freese                               John M.                loans
Fremad (w)                                                  J F Strass, publr
Fritz                                                       see Bechtold & Fritz
Fulford                              G. H.                  prop, Union Bi-Chloride of Gold Co.
Fulford                              Geo H.                 physician
Fuller & Johnson Mfg. Co.                                   Thos Kelley, genl agt
G A R Granite & Marble Works                                F H Gillette, prop
Gaddis                               B. (Rev.)              pastor, First Free Methodist Church
Gafert                               (Rev.)                 pastor, German Congregational Church
Gardinier                            W. E.                  livery, sale and boarding stable
Gast                                 Oscar                  mfr cigars
Gates                                H. N.                  supt, Water Works
Gates                                L. M.                  sec, Sioux Falls Auto & Supply Co
Gates                                                       see Davis, Lyon & Gates
Geelan                               C. E.                  road master C, St P M & O Ry
Geis                                 Joseph P.              employment agt
Geis                                 Will H.                prop, Central Hotel
Geis & Corderman                                            real estate
Germain                              W. A.                  physician
German Congregational Church                                Rev Gafert, pastor
German-English School
Germania Verein School
Getty                                D. B.                  official abstracter
Gibbs                                Geo. G.                agt, Janesville Machine Co.
Gibbs                                Geo. G.                genl mgr, Northwestern Mfg Co
Gibbs                                Ransom L.              attorney
Gibbs & Co.                          Geo. G.                farm machinery
Gilbert                              L. J.                  sec, Mutual Cash Guaranty Fire Ins Co
Gilbert                              T. A.                  genl agt S D C and I C Rys
Gilbert & Sherman                                           hdw and harness
Gilfillan                            W. A.                  agent, De Lavel Cream Separator Co.
Gillette                             F. H.                  prop, G A R Granite & Marble Works
Gillman                                                     see Pallansch & Gillman
Gilman & Sweet                                              saloon
Gilson & Hyde                                               automobile garage
Glasgow                              A. M.                  osteopath
Glidden                              Daniel S.              fire ins
Godfrey                              A. E.                  with F T Williams Co.
Gotthelf                             M. J.                  cash, American Exchange State Bank
Gotthelf & McEwen                                           boots and shoes
Govern                               Charles                plumbing, steam and hot water heating
Graham & McGilvray                                          veterinary surgeons
Granger                              M.                     agent, Lindsay Bros.
Grant                                L. W.                  mgr, Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co
Grase                                J. A.                  chief police
Great Northern Implement Co                                 Wm Parsonage mgr
Green                                P. W.                  dentist
Gremmels                                                    see Thomas & Gremmels
Grigsby & Grigsby                                           attorneys
Guarantee Anti-Burglar Device Co                            H S Howell, sec
Gullekson                            Anna                   president, The Ark of Refuge
Gullick                              Ben                    real estate
Haas                                 P. F.                  city assessor
Hackman Hardware Co.                 E. W.
Haggar                               A. & S.                dry goods
Haggar & Bros.                       K.                     groceries
Hahn Co.                             A. G.                  real estate
Hakes                                Florence (Miss)        restaurant
Halbritter                           Karl                   meat market
Haley & Lang Co.                                            whol fruits and confectionery
Hall                                 Chas. L.               tailor
Halladay                             W. H.                  agt, Northwest Thresher Co.
Hamilton                             Edna Joy               director, Northwestern Entertainers Orchestra & Concert Co
Hammond Publishing Co.                                      F P Leach mgr northwestern branch, Sunday school supplies
Hamway & Bros.                       Allie                  dry goods
Hand                                                        see Thornton & Hand
Hanger & Cooper                                             blacksmiths
Hanna                                Geo. A.                life ins
Hanna                                Zora (Madam)           dressmaker, furrier and ladies tailor, school of dressmaking and millinery
Hannah                               W. E.                  photographer
Hanson                               H. C.                  saloon
Hanson                               Olof                   hardware
Hanson                               P. O.                  city electrician
Hardimon                             F. D.                  transfer
Harding                              B. W.                  prop, Sioux Falls Boiler Works
Hare                                 W. H. (Rev.)           pres, All Saints School
Harrington Co. (inc)                 W. V.                  W V Harrington pres, T A Bailey sec, grain merchants
Harris                               Geo. P.                real estate
Harrison                             C. M.                  attorney, real estate
Harrison                             C. M.                  sec, The Realty Co.
Hart                                 Ernest E.              pres, State Banking & Trust Co
Hartney                              Mary (Miss)            art goods
Hayward                              O. A.                  real estate and loans
Hazard                               Z. A.                  sec-treas Sioux Falls Mutual Fire Insurance Co
Heagy                                N. D. L.               barber
Heath & Heath                                               osteopaths
Heileman Brewing Co.                 G.                     S B Buxton, mgr
Heiser                               John                   saloon
Heiss                                W. H.                  groceries
Helfrich                             George                 restaurant
Heller                               M. H.                  mgr, Buxbaum Clothing Co.
Henderson                            W. H.                  blacksmith
Hengel                               Joe                    restaurant
Hengel                               John                   saloon
Henry                                C. W.                  state inspector scales and warehouses
Herbert & Co.                        Frank W.               real estate
Herold Publishing Co.                                       Hans Demuth pres, publrs The deutscher Herold
Herron                               W. L.                  printer
Hewson                               Geo. E.                agt, Monarch Typewriter Co.
Hight                                J. W.                  mgr, New State Telephone Co.
Hildahl                              W.                     vice-consulate of Norway
Hill                                 E. B.                  optician
Hirsch Bros.                                                bakery
Hirtz                                Val                    saloon
Hoffman & Felt                                              groceries
Hogan                                J. C.                  saloon
Hoganson                             A. C.                  mgr, Dreamland Amusement Co.
Holbrook                             M. H.                  dentist
Holland                                                     see Pederson & Holland
Hollister Bros.                                             insurance
Holmes                               Charles E.             life ins
Holmes                               Herbert                groceries
Homan                                Henry A.               groceries
Honegger                             Peter G.               attorney (Bailey & Voorhees)
Hopkins                              K. N.                  mgr, McClellan Parer Co.
Hotel Grace                                                 G E Adams, prop
Howard Co.                           L. W.                  real estate
Howe                                 Henry                  county auditor
Howe                                 S. B.                  county surveyor
Howell                               H. S.                  sec, Guarantee Anti-Burglar Device Co
Hubbard                              E. A.                  fuel, feed and seeds
Hurd                                 H. A.                  sec, Farley-Loetscher Co.
Hursh                                J. G. M. (Rev.)        pastor, English Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hyde                                 Edson H.               attorney-at-law
Hyde                                 Frank                  jeweler
Hyde                                                        see Gilson & Hyde
Iles                                 Geo. L.                fire ins
Interstate Realty Co.                                       H M Avery, mgr
Isaacson                             Eda B.                 hairdresser
Jacobs                               James                  sec, Sioux Falls Brewing & Malting Co
Janesville Machine Co.                                      Geo G Gibbs agt
Jay                                  R. A.                  tailor
Jeffrey                                                     see Cartan & Jeffrey
Jencks                               M. W.                  mgr, New Theatre
Jenney                               A. E.                  rep, Patterson Dental Supl Co.
Jensen                               J.                     shoemaker
Jensen                               J. A.                  bakery
Jewel Theatre                                               P J Toohey prop
Jewett Bros. & Jewett                                       whol grocers
Jobe                                 Oscar                  sheet metal works
Johnson                              A. J.                  sec, Sioux Falls Pressed Brick Co
Johnson                              A. S.                  mgr, Co-operative Coal Co.
Johnson                              Andrew                 barber
Johnson                              F. W.                  mgr, Victor Safe & Lock Co.
Johnson                              Just                   saloon
Johnson                              Peter                  saloon
Johnson                              W. W.                  livery
Johnson                                                     see Fuller & Johnson Mfg. Co.
Jones                                Cap D.                 transfer and storage, wholesale ice, livestock dealer
Jones                                Joseph W.              judge, 2nd judicial district
Jones & Mannerud                                            shoes
Jones & Mathews                                             attorneys
Jordan Methodist Episcopal Church                           Rev S H Shurtleff, pastor
Jorden                               E. F.                  pres, Sioux Falls College
Jordon Block                                                Mrs R C Warner prop, rooms
Joy & Co.                                                   G H Joy mgr, groceries
Judge                                                       see Aikens & Judge
Kagarice                             Sam                    saloon
Kaiser                               A. H.                  restaurant
Kattleman & De Good                                         restaurant
Keeley                               W. C.                  prop, The Cataract
Keeley Institute                                            Cyrus Arndt mgr
Keith & Keith                                               (Hosmer H and Albert J Keith), attorneys-at-law, collections, notary public
Keith & Keith                                               attys, South Dakota Commercial Association
Keith Bros.                                                 blacksmiths
Keller                               A. H.                  physician
Keller                               S. A.                  physician
Keller                               W. F.                  mgr, Club Barn
Keller                               W. F.                  physician
Kelley                               E. F.                  mgr, W U Tel Co
Kelley                               Thos.                  agt, Fuller & Johnson Mfg Co
Kelley                                                      see Brown & Kelley
Kelly                                Katherine              osteopath
Kelso                                Jane (Mrs.)            restaurant
Kendall                              F. A.                  agent for Syndicate bldg
Kennedy                              E. G.                  pres, American Exchange State Bank
Kiehl                                Albert                 agent, Advance Thresher Co.
Kimball                              C. D.                  mgr, Snow's College of Dressmaking & Ladies Tailoring
Kimball & Pomeroy                                           props, Sioux Falls Paper Co.
King                                 Phillip H.             saloon
Kingsbury                            W. R.                  investments
Kinkade                              W. F.                  second-hand gds
Kirby                                J. E.                  livestock
Kirby                                Joe                    attorney-at-law
Kirby                                Joe                    sec, Western Land Security Co.
Kirby                                Joe                    sec, Western Surety Co.
Kiriakedes & Peters                                         confectionery
Kittredge                            A. B.                  attorney
Klauson                              Wm.                    real estate
Klaveness                            E.                     physician
Kleinheinz Bros.                                            cigar mfrs
Knight                               G. W. (Rev.)           pastor, First Christian Church
Knott                                J. M.                  mgr Parlin, Orendorf Plow Co
Knowles & Dwight                                            fire ins and loans
Knox & Co.                           S. H.                  five and ten cent store
Koenig Bros. Co.                                            dry goods
Koetzle & Schopf                                            saloon
Kohler                               Louis                  barber
Koneman                              F. W.                  mgr, Cedar Rapids Grain Co.
Kopelean                             Hattie (Mrs.)          rooms
Krause                               F. A.                  grocery
Kreiser                              F. A.                  drugs
Kreiser                              Herman P.              drugs
Kucera                               J. F.                  mgr, National Engraving Co.
Kuehn Co. (inc)                      Andrew                 whol grocers
Kuh Bros.                                                   props, Sioux Falls Broom Works
Ladies History Club                                         Mrs L J Price, sec
Lamb                                 T. B.                  blacksmith
Lancaster                                                   see Sweeting & Lancaster
Lane                                                        see Riley & Lane
Lang                                                        see Haley & Lang Co.
Langefeldt                           C. J.                  pres, Dakota Malt & Grain Co.
Langendorfer                                                see O'Dell & Langendorfer
Lanning                              G. R.                  dentist
Larkin & Metcalf                                            R B Meldrum mgr, flour
Larson                               Emil                   farm implements
Larson                               Lewis                  city auditor
Larson                               Mayme E. (Miss)        millinery
Larson Hardware Co.
Leach                                F. P.                  mgr, Hammond Publishing Co.
Leach                                F. P. (Rev.)           general sec SD Sunday School Association and managing editor and publr Church and Schol
Leavitt                              L.                     livery
Lee                                  J. T. (Mrs.)           millinery
Levinger                             Henry                  whol liquors
Lewedag                                                     see Roster & Lewedag
Lewis                                Frank C.               life ins
Libare                               M.                     cigars and pool
Limewood                             James                  tents and awnings
Lindsay Bros.                                               M Granger agent, binding twine
Livingston Bros.                                            junk, hides and wool
Livingston Memorial Reformed Church
Ljford                               Frank                  restaurant
Loetscher                                                   see Farley-Loetscher Co.
Loffler                              C. L. & D. G.          physicians
Loneus & Co.                         E. F.                  groceries
Look                                 Chas.                  meat market
Look & Schalch                                              meat market
Loonan Lumber Co. (inc)                                     H Loonan pres
Lord                                 Warren A.              prop, Temple Court Chambers
Lord                                 Warren Alden           real estate
Lovett                               Samuel                 mgr, Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Lowe                                 W. V.                  stone contractor
Luck                                 A. B. (Mrs.)           rooms
Ludlow Bros.                                                props, New Parker House
Lutheran Normal School                                      Rev Z J Ordal, pres
Lynch                                Rose (Miss)            prop, Cascade Rooming House
Lyon                                                        see Davis, Lyon & Gates
Mahl                                 Chas. J.               county treasurer
Mair                                 W. M.                  county supt schools
Majestic Theatre                                            Wm H Dance mgr
Mallanney                            John                   life insurance
Malloy                               J. H.                  saloon
Manchester Biscuit Co.                                      L D Manchester, mgr
Maney Land Co.                                              H T Maney mgr
Manley                               A. C.                  mgr, SD Commercial Association
Manley                               Joseph                 restaurant
Mannerud                                                    see Jones & Mannerud
Manning                              H. C.                  carpenter
Mannix                               E. J.                  publr, Commercial News
Margulies                            M.                     junk dealer
Marks                                Henry M.               physician
Marr                                 Joe                    barber
Marr                                 R. J.                  barber
Marshall Oil Co.                                            M E Mon Plasur, mgr
Martin                               Margaret               hairdressing
Masonic Temple
Maxwell Hardware Co.
McArthur                             G. W.                  sec and treas Queen City Fire Insurance Co
McCarty                              Asa                    real estate
McClellan Paper Co.                                         K N Hopkins mgr
McConnell                            W. C.                  clerk of courts
McCreery                                                    see Avery & McCreery
McDermott                            Frank                  mgr, Avery Co.
McDonald                             Catherine (Miss)       restaurant
McFarlin                             F.                     transfer
McGilvray                                                   see Graham & McGilvray
McGovern                             Charles                plumber
McHugh                               J. R.                  physician
McHugh                               J. R.                  prop, Sioux Falls Grist Mill Co.
McHugh                               J. R. (Dr.)            mgr, South Dakota Viavi Co.
McKee                                John                   harness and saddlery
McKinley                             Frances                prin, South Dakota School for Deaf
McKinney                             C. E.                  pres, Sioux Falls National Bank
McKinney                             D. L.                  vice-pres, Sioux Falls National Bank
McKinney                             J. D.                  barber
McKinney & Allen                                            insurance
McKinney Loan & Investment Co.
McKinnon                             Thos.                  chairman Board county Commissioners
McLaughlin                           James D.               supt, South Dakota School for Deaf
McLellan Cream Co.                                          A H McLellan mgr, manufacturers butter and ice cream
McMath                               Walter J.              life and accident insurance
Medin                                John T.                county judge
Meldrum                              R. B.                  mgr, Larkin & Metcalf
Mertens                              A. J.                  meat market
Metcalf                              Anna (Mrs.)            art goods
Metcalf                                                     see Larkin & Metcalf
Metropolitan Club                                           H Whitehouse, sec
Mickelson                                                   see Rogness & Mickelson
Middaugh                             G. D.                  agt, Penn Oil & Supply Co. (ltd)
Middeaugh                            E. D.                  agt Penn Oil & Supply Co
Mikel                                Grace                  prin, Syllabic Shorthand School
Millard                              Frank                  real estate
Miller                               B.                     shoemaker
Miller-Nelson Co. (inc)                                     undertakers
Mills                                F. M.                  pres, Sioux Falls Traction System
Mills Grain Co.                      W. A.
Mingus                               G. W.                  dentist
Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co.                           L W Grant, mgr
Minnehaha Country Club                                      O A Brown, sec
Minnehaha National Bank                                     P F Sherman pres, W L Baker vice-pres, B H Requa cashier
Minnehaha Springs (inc)                                     C F H Witte pres, Anton Zirzow sec, bath house and bottling works
Mintzlaff                            (Mrs.)                 boarding house
Mitchell                             L. A.                  mgr, Sioux Falls Produce Co.
Mon Plasur                           M. E.                  mgr, Marshall Oil Co.
Monarch Typewriter Co.                                      Geo E. Hewson, agt
Mones                                B. B.                  clothing
Monson                               John                   saloon
Monson & Cleveland Co.                                      automobiles
Moore                                G. W. F.               fire ins
Moore                                                       see Peregoy & Moore Co.
Morcom                               E. D.                  fire insurance
Morrell & Co. (ltd)                  John                   T Henry Foster mgr, packers, hams and bacon
Morris                               C. J.                  atty-at-law, collections
Morstad & Christopherson                                    clothing
Mortenson                            A.                     vice-pres, Sioux Falls Mutual Fire Insurance Co
Mortenson Furniture & Carpet Co                             Alfred Mortenson, prop
Muller                               Alice B.               atty-at-law
Muller & Conway                                             attorneys-at-law
Mumby                                C. H.                  (Coon Bros & Mumby), notary public
Mumby                                C. H.                  see Coon Bros. & Mumby
Murphy                               Will F.                mfr cigars
Mutual Cash Guaranty Fire Insurance Co.                     L J Gilbert, sec
Narlin                               Ludvig                 tailor
National Engraving Co.                                      J F Kucera, mgr
Neeley                               H. E.                  sec, Haley & Lang Co.
Neil                                 James M.               sign painter
Neister & Co. (inc)                  P. I.                  real estate
Nelson                               A.                     merchant tailor
Nelson                               Chas. P.               county sheriff
Nelson                               P. I.                  agricultural implts
Nelson                               W. H.                  drugs
Nelson                                                      see Miller-Nelson Co. (inc)
Nelson Employment Agency                                    N B Nelson prop
Nelson Printing Co.
New Dakota Laundry                                          Brown & Kelley props
New Parker House                                            Ludlow Bros props
New Theatre                                                 M W Jencks mgr
Newton                                                      see Emerson-Newton Implement Co.
Niesen                               Frank                  saloon
Nobles                               Mary E.                prop, Bean Rooming House
Nolan                                W. V. (Rev.)           priest, St. Michaels-Pro-Cathedral Catholic Church
Nolen & Co.                          J. C.                  furniture
Norberg Bros.                                               painters and paperhangers
Northrup & Edmison                                          loans
Northwest Thresher Co.                                      W H Halladay, agt
Northwestern Entertainers Orchestra & Concert Co            Edna Joy Hamilton director
Northwestern Mfg Co.                                        Geo G Gibbs mgr
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.                         Geo K Blakley, mgr
Norton                               C. L.                  cash, Sioux Falls National Bank
Norton                               C. L.                  notary public
Norton                               E. S.                  ticket agt C, St P, M & O Ry
Norton                               Geo. W.                mgr, Postal Tel Co.
Norton                               H. L.                  sec, East Sioux Falls Co-Operative Stone Co.
Norton                               W. C.                  fire insurance
Norton & Son                         C. L.                  insurance
Nudd                                 I. J.                  seeds and plants
Oaks                                 A. F.                  groceries and notions
O'Brien                              J. C.                  livery
O'Connor & Buyse                                            meat market
Odd Fellow World (w)                                        James M Patton, ed
Odell                                L. D.                  mgr, Sioux Falls Water Distributing Co.
O'Dell & Langendorfer                                       feed store
O'Gorman                             Thomas (Rev.)          bishop, Catholic Church
Ohruh                                Geo.                   saloon
Olson                                Chas. & V. E.          groceries
Olson                                John                   groceries
Olson & Detlie Carriage Co.
Olstad                               E. H.                  blacksmith
Olympia Theater                                             C D Adams prop
Onimet                               Ike                    agt, Thomas Mfg Co.
Ontjes                               Wm.                    vice-pres, American Exchange State Bank
Opland                               H.                     pub, Sioux Falls Posten
Ordal                                Z. J. (Rev.)           pres, Lutheran Normal School
Orr                                  Alpha F.               atty-at-law
Paddock                              A. S.                  pianos
Page                                 G. T.                  dentist
Pahl                                 Hans                   saloon
Pallansch                            Peter                  cigars and pool
Pallansch & Gillman                                         saloon
Pankow Bros.                                                machine shop
Parker                               J. W.                  mgr, Sioux Falls Lumber Co.
Parker                               John A.                ice
Parker & Buxton                                             saloon
Parliman                             Ralph W.               attorney-at-law (Bates & Parliman), notary public
Parlin, Orendorff Plow Co.                                  J M Knott, mgr
Parmley                              H. T.                  coal, cement and brick
Parrish                              J. C.                  blacksmith
Parsonage                            Wm.                    mgr Great Northern Implement Co.
Parsons                              J. G.                  physician
Patten                               G. N.                  agt, W P Soash Land Co.
Patterson                            A. E.                  auditor, South Dakota Central Railway Co.
Patterson Dental Supl Co.                                   A E Jenney rep
Patton                               James M.               life insurance, editor Odd Fellow World
Paulton                              Wm.                    real estate
Pay                                  A. K.                  wallpaper and paints
Peck                                 C. H.                  mgr, Peck Building
Peck                                 Porter P.              prop, Peck Building
Pederson & Holland                                          saloon
Pella Stacker Co.                                           C W Troxell mgr
Pendar                               Oliver S.              clk, U S courts
Penn Oil & Supply Co. (ltd)                                 G D Middaugh, agt
Peregoy & Moore Co.                                         whol cigars
Perfection Block Machine Co.                                E W Dow, sec
Perkins                              Edwin L.               physician
Perry                                G. H.                  pres, East Sioux Falls Co-Operative Stone Co.
Perry                                G. H.                  sec and mgr, East Sioux Falls Quarry Co
Perry Land Co.                       G. H.                  real estate
Peters                               Peter                  bakery
Peters                                                      see Kiriakedes & Peters
Peterson                             Edward                 real estate
Peterson                             W. E.                  groceries
Pettigrew                            Geo. A.                pres, Union Savings Ass'n
Pettigrew                            R. F.                  capitalist
Pettingill                           O. K.                  supt Bradstreet Co.
Phillips                             E. C.                  agt, Remington Typewriter Co.
Phillips House                                              Sherwood & Son, props
Pickett                              Thomas                 blacksmith
Pilcher                              A. F.                  ticket agent, Rock Island System
Pinkerton                            Alice (Miss)           artist
Pinkerton                            Edna L.                musician
Pitcher                              Earl                   real estate
Plumbing Supply Co.                                         C D Symms mgr
Pomeroy                                                     see Kimball & Pomeroy
Pontius                              M. E.                  dentist
Porter                               William G.             attorney-at-law
Pratt                                W. T.                  pres Sioux Falls Mutual Fire Insurance Co
Prettyman                            F. S.                  dentist
Price                                L. J. (Mrs.)           sec, Ladies History Club
Proehl                               W. (Rev.)              pastor, Evangelical Church (Zion)
Prudential Insurance Co if America                          H G Flemmer, mgr for SD
Pulley                               J. W.                  shoemaker
Putnam                               E. D. and F. I.        physicians, practice limited to the eye, ear, nose and throat
Queen City Bottling Works                                   Dalton Bros. Props
Queen City Club                                             D D Stinson sec
Queen City Fire Insurance Co.                               P F Sherman pres, G W McArthur sec and treas, A H Watson asst sec
Quincy                               W. R.                  fuel and feed
Quinn-Shepherdson Co.                                       grain commission
Raber                                J.                     tea and coffee
Racine-Sattley Co.                                          Kent Burt, genl agt
Ramsdell & Ramsdell                                         phonographs
Ramsey Bros.                                                shoes
Randolph                             Fred A.                dentist
Raymond                              E. B.                  mfrs agent
Realty Co., The                                             Louis Caille pres, C M Harrison sec
Reed                                 F. H.                  sec, Sioux Falls Light & Power Co.
Reilly                               C. J.                  second hand goods
Renaas                               A.                     photographer
Rennie                               Wm.                    farm machinery
Requa                                B. H.                  cash, Minnehaha National Bank
Retail Merchants Fire Insurance Co.                         P F Wickhem pres, N S Tyler sec-treas
Rhoda                                J. F.                  pres, Dakota Mattress Co
Richards                             G. S.                  mgr Knight Light Co.
Riemer                               Robert F.              attorney
Riley                                Robt.                  restaurant
Riley & Lane                                                blacksmiths
Roberts                              J. J.                  mgr, S F Baker & Co
Roberts                              W. P.                  physician
Rock Island Plow Co.                                        S D Wadsworth, mgr
Rogde & Winans                                              attorneys
Rogness                              H. H.                  shoemaker
Rogness                              H. U.                  prop, Sioux Falls Cornice Wks
Rogness & Mickelson                                         tailors
Root                                 G. M.                  sec, S D C Ry Co
Rosenstein Bros                                             boots and shoes
Ross                                 J. C.                  business mgr, Soo Critic
Ross                                 V. S.                  physician
Ross Lumber Co.                      H. W.
Roster & Lewedag                                            saloon
Roth                                 P. J.                  mgr, John W Tuthill Lumber Co
Rounds                               W. H.                  clothing
Rummel Bros.                                                hardware
Rundlett                             David L.               physician
Russell                              W. H.                  groceries
Saenger                              Eugene                 pres and genl mgr, Brown & Saenger
Salveson                             C. S. (Rev.)           pastor, United Norwegian Lutheran Church
Samel                                A.                     prop, Sioux Falls Dye Works
Sanders                              E. M.                  plumber
Sanders                              J. T.                  sec, Sioux Falls Heating & Plumbing Co
Sandwich Manufacturing Co.                                  agric implts, A B Cummings agt
Sard                                 F. E. (Rev.)           pastor, Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church
Sattley                                                     see Racine-Sattley Co.
Savereide                            Clara                  supt, Sioux Falls Hospital
Sawyer Bros.                                                confectionery
Scanlan                              Thos.                  vice-pres, State Banking & Trust Co.
Schaetzel                            Jacob (Jr.)            real estate
Schalch                                                     see Look & Schalch
Scheier                              J. B.                  grain and coal
Schlosser                            Geo.                   supt, S D Newspaper Union
Schlosser & Co.                      H. C.                  groceries
Schoeneman Bros. Co.                                        lumber, fuel and feed
Schoregge Bros.                                             bicycles and repairs
Schwartz                             Jos.                   physician
Schwartz                             M. C. (Mrs.)           dentist
Schwarz                              Joseph                 architect
Scott                                Mark D.                publisher Sioux Falls Journal
Scott Land Co.                                              real estate
Searls                               B. O.                  genl agt C, M & St P Ry
Security Savings Bank                                       J N Weston pres, C L Norton cashier
Sessions & Sons                      H. C.                  printers
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Seventh Day Adventist School
Sexton                               Thomas W.              real estate
Shakstad                             Mabel                  sec, Bob & Nels Clothing Co.
Shakstad Electric Co.
Sharp                                W. Z.                  grain and coal
Sheldon                              J. H.                  stenographer
Shellito                             A. M.                  life insurance
Shepherdson                                                 see Quinn-Shepherdson Co.
Sherman                              E. A.                  pres, South Side Trust Co.
Sherman                              E. A.                  pres, Union Realty Co.
Sherman                              E. A.                  street commissioner
Sherman                              P. F.                  pres and genl mgr, South Dakota Central Railway Co.
Sherman                              P. F.                  pres Queen City Fire Insurance Co and Minnehaha National Bank
Sherman                                                     see Gilbert & Sherman
Sherwood & Son                                              props Phillips House
Shipley's Laundry                                           S Speier, prop
Shreve                               Eva                    physician
Shurtleff                            S. H. (Rev.)           pastor, Jordan Methodist Episcopal Church
Silent Sioux Automobile Mfg Co.                             Geo W Burnside, genl mgr
Silvius Investment Co.                                      M E Silvius mgr, farm lands and city property
Simpson                              Thos.                  agent Great Northern Ry
Singer Sewing Machine Co.                                   Samuel Lovett, mgr
Sioux Club
Sioux Falls Auto & Supply Co. (inc)                         L M Gates, sec
Sioux Falls Boiler Works                                    B W Harding prop
Sioux Falls Brewing & Malting Co.                           James Jacobs, sec-treas
Sioux Falls Broom Works                                     Kuh Bros props
Sioux Falls Business College                                G C Christopherson pres, M C Christopherson sec
Sioux Falls College                                         E F Jorden pres
Sioux Falls Cornice Works                                   H U Rogness prop
Sioux Falls Daily Press                                     Dotson & Cook publrs
Sioux Falls Dye Works                                       A Samel prop
Sioux Falls Electric Light & Power Co.                      John Biegger, Jr, mgr
Sioux Falls Fruit Co.                                       J T Winter mgr
Sioux Falls Fuel Co.                                        John Fitz Gibbon mgr
Sioux Falls Gas Co.                                         Chester N Chubb supt
Sioux Falls Grist Mill Co.                                  J R McHugh prop
Sioux Falls Heating & Plumbing Co.                          J T Sanders sec
Sioux Falls Hospital                                        Clara Savereide supt
Sioux Falls Journal (w)                                     Mark D Scott publr
Sioux Falls Light & Power Co.                               F H Reed sec
Sioux Falls Lumber Co.                                      J W Parker mgr
Sioux Falls Medical Institute (inc)                         H G Falde mgr
Sioux Falls Metal Culvert Co.                               A Bruce sec
Sioux Falls Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (inc)                 W T Pratt pres, A Mortenson vice-pres, Z A Hazard sec-treas
Sioux Falls National Bank                                   C E McKinney pres, D L McKinney vice-pres, C L Norton cashier
Sioux Falls Opera House                                     Fred Beecher mgr
Sioux Falls Opera House Co.                                 J W Boyce pres, Louis Caille sec
Sioux Falls Paper Co.                                       Kimball & Pomeroy props
Sioux Falls Plow Co.                                        I L Bratager pres
Sioux Falls Posten (w)                                      H Opland publr
Sioux Falls Pressed Brick Co.                               A J Johnson sec
Sioux Falls Produce Co.                                     L A Mitchell mgr
Sioux Falls Rug Factory                                     Arthur E Bigelow prop, manufacturers rugs, carpets cleaned and relaid
Sioux Falls Savings Bank                                    H R Dennis pres, W E Stevens vice-pres, Roger L Dennis cash, K B Cressey asst cashier
Sioux Falls Tennis Association                              John Barton, sec
Sioux Falls Traction System                                 F M Mills pres
Sioux Falls Water Distributing Co.                          L D Odell mgr
Sioux Investment Co.                                        T H Brown pres
Skinner                              E. B.                  attorney-at-law
Skoug Candy Co.                                             confectionery
Slack & Co. (inc)                    Charles C.             post cards
Smith                                C. W.                  painter
Smith                                E. L.                  real estate
Smith & Co.                          E. B.                  furniture
Snashall                             A. A.                  undertaker
Snow's College of Dressmaking & Ladies Tailoring            C D Kimball mgr
Snyder                               S. J.                  loans
Soash Land Co.                       W. P.                  G N Patten agt
Solari                               F. J.                  groceries
Solie                                Oscar L.               sec Cataract Book & Stationery Co.
Solum                                Henry (Rev.)           pastor, St. Olaf Lutheran Church
Soo Club                                                    F H Ening sec
Soo Critic (w)                                              M M Ross editor
South Dakota Board of Railroad Commissioners                Carl C Witt engineer
South Dakota Central Railway Co.                            P F Sherman pres and genl mgr, G M Root sec, A E Patterson auditor
South Dakota Children's Home Society                        A D Stuckeman supt
South Dakota Commercial Association (inc)                   A C Manley mgr, Keith & Keith attys
South Dakota Newspaper Union                                Geo Schlosser supt
South Dakota Penitentiary                                   O S Swanson, warden
South Dakota School for Deaf                                James D McLaughlin supt, Frances McKinley prin
South Dakota Sunday School Association                      Rev F P Leach genl sec
South Dakota Viavi Co.                                      Dr J R McHugh mgr
South Side Trust Co.                                        real estate, E A Sherman pres
Speier                               S.                     prop Shipley's Laundry
Spitznagel                           C.                     bakery
Sproesser                            Geo. W.                mfr cigars
St. Michaels Parochial School                               Dominican Sisters in charge
St. Michaels-Pro-Cathedral Catholic Church                  Rev W V Nolan, priest
St. Olaf Lutheran Church                                    Rev Henry Solum, pastor
Stallman                             John                   hardware, plumber
Standard Bridge Co.
Standard Grocery Co.                                        Bessler Bros props
Standard Oil Co.                                            M L Wirsing agt
Stanley                              Wm. H.                 sec board state railroad commissioners
State Banking & Trust Co.                                   Ernest E Hart pres, Thos Scanlan vice-pres, W K Van Brunt vice-pres, Chas A Wiley cash
State School for Deaf Mutes                                 J D McLaughlin supt
Stepp                                M. L. (Mrs.)           dressmaker
Sterling Mfg. Co.                                           implts, H W Bright agt
Stern & Co.                          Alex                   men's furnishings
Stevens                              W. E.                  vice-pres, Sioux Falls Savings Bank
Stevenson                            T. Y. & R. R.          physicians
Stinson                              D. D.                  sec, Queen City Club
Stites                               A. H.                  drugs
Stites                               W. D.                  city justice
Stites & Son                         A. H.                  root beer mfrs
Storm                                E. C.                  mgr, Beach Mfg Co.
Strass                               J. F.                  publr The Fremad
Strub                                D. E.                  prop, Chicago House
Stuckeman                            A. D.                  supt, South Dakota Children's Home Society
Sturtevant & Aldrich                                        restaurant
Subera                               H. W.                  physician
Sugal Bowl Confectionery Co.
Sullivan                             C. J.                  freight agent C, St P, M & O Ry
Swain & Thompson                                            (E E Swain and L B Thompson) confectionery and ice cream, jobbers soda fountains
Swanson                              O. S.                  warden, South Dakota Penitentiary
Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church                         Rev F E Sard, pastor
Sweet                                                       see Gilman & Sweet
Sweeting & Lancaster                                        barbers
Swenson                              O. S.                  cigars and pool
Swift                                E. L.                  groceries
Swift                                J. W.                  with F T Williams Co.
Syllabic Shorthand School                                   Grace Mikel prin
Symms                                C. D.                  mgr, Plumbing Supply Co.
Symms                                C. D.                  pres, Syms-Powers Co.
Syms-Powers Co.                                             plumbers, C D Symms pres
Tallas                               Geo.                   shoe shining
Tate                                 William                whol liquors
Teigen                               Tore                   attorney-at-law, notary public
Temple Court Chambers                                       Warren A Lord prop
Thickett                             Joe                    shoemaker
Thomas                               A. K.                  shoemaker
Thomas                               G. A.                  florist and seeds
Thomas & Gremmels                                           wallpaper
Thomas Mfg Co.                                              farm implts, Ike Onimet agt
Thompson                             Calvert (Mrs.)         music teacher
Thompson                             L. B.                  with (Swain & Thompson)
Thompson                             P. F.                  groceries
Thompson                             W. B.                  music teacher
Thompson                             W. B.                  reader, First Church of Christ (Scientist)
Thornton & Hand                                             confectionery
Tisdale                              W. G.                  music teacher
Todd                                 W. R.                  restaurant
Toland's Business School                                    R J Toland mgr
Tom                                  Wing                   laundry
Toohey                               Con C.                 fire insurance
Toohey                               John H.                fruits and confectionery
Toohey                               P. J.                  prop, Jewel Theatre
Torkelson                            Ole                    shoemaker
Tossini                              Joe                    florist
Tossini                              John A.                cigars
Tracy                                E. J.                  real estate
Trepanier                            J. V.                  undertaker
Trickey                                                     see Ening & Trickey
Troja                                L. F.                  agt Wells Fargo Express
Troxell                              C. W.                  mgr Pella Stacker Co.
Tucker                               W. A.                  agt, Dubuque Brewing & Malting Co.
Tufts                                A. H.                  physician
Tuthill Lumber Co.                   John W.                P J Roth mgr
Tyler                                N. S.                  sec-treas Retail Merchants Fire Insurance Co.
U S Navy Recruiting Station                                 O W Bennett, recruiting officer
Union Bi-Chloride of Gold Co.                               G H Fulford prop
Union Brokerage Co.                                         C R Beattie mgr
Union Delivery System                                       Avery & McCreery props
Union Realty Co.                                            E A Sherman pres
Union Savings Assn                                          G W Abbott sec
United German Evangelical Church                            Rev Jacob Burkhart, pastor
United Norwegian Lutheran Church                            Rev C S Salveson, pastor
Van Brunt                            W. K.                  vice-pres, State Banking & Trust Co.
Van Brunt Co.                        Henry H.               farm implts
Van Eps                              Inez C.                real estate and grocery
Vance                                J. J.                  agent U S Express
Veitch                               J. B.                  buggies and wagons
Victor Safe & Lock Co.                                      F W Johnson mgr
Vold                                 Henry                  fire insurance
Voorhees                             John H.                attorney (Bailey & Voorhees)
Vreeland                             R. C.                  clothing
Wadsworth                            S. D.                  mgr, Rock Island Plow Co.
Wagner                               Edward E.              US dist attorney
Wagner                               J. L.                  city engineer
Wagner & Co.                         A. H.                  upholsterers
Walker                               Geo. W.                life insurance
Walsh                                John                   real estate
Walstad                              Berenda (Mrs.)         dressmaker
Warner                               R. C. (Mrs.)           prop, Jordon Block
Warren                                                      see Boyce & Warren
Watson                               A. H.                  asst sec Queen City Fire Insurance Co.
Watson                               Fred J.                groceries
Webber                               C. A.                  restaurant
Weber                                R. H.                  bicycles and repairs
Wehling                              Otto                   restaurant
Wells & Blackman                                            attys-at-law
West Bros.                                                  meat market
Western Land Security Co.                                   Joe Kirby sec
Western Surety Co.                                          Joe Kirby sec
Westfall                             I. W.                  transfer
Weston                               J. N.                  pres, Security Savings Bank
Wheeler                              Geo. E.                electrical contractor, gas and electric fixtures and supplies
Wheelock                             A. B.                  police justice
Whitehouse                           H.                     sec Metropolitan Club
Whitehouse & Co. (inc)               F. C.                  investments, city property, farm lands and loans
Wickhem                              P. F.                  pres, Retail Merchants Fire Insurance Co.
Wider Bros. & Co.                                           wool and hides
Wiley                                Chas. A.               cashier, State Banking & Trust Co.
Wilkinson                                                   see Benedict & Wilkinson
Williams                             E. J.                  fruits
Williams Co.                         F. T.                  (F T Williams, J W Swift and A E Godfrey), pianos and organs
Winans                                                      see Rogde & Winans
Winker                               W. J.                  saloon
Winsor                               C. H.                  attorney
Winter                               J. T.                  mgr, Sioux Falls Fruit Co.
Wirsing                              M. L.                  agt, Standard Oil Co.
Wisa                                 Frank                  harness maker
Witt                                 Carl C.                engineer, South Dakota Board of Railroad Commissioners
Witte                                C. F. H.               pres, Minnehaha Springs
Woodmansee Mfg Co.                                          windmills
Woodruff                                                    see Barber & Woodruff
Woodward                             W. E.                  register of deeds
Woodworth                            R. E.                  physician
Wright                               A. L.                  photographer
Wright                               Sam H.                 atty-at-law
Wright                               W. B.                  barber
Wyllie                               H. E.                  sec, Commercial Club
Yeager                               A. J.                  carriage repairs and rubber tires
Yeutter                              C. E.                  bakery
Zetlitz                              A.                     physician
Zetlitz                              K.                     physician
Zimmer                               D. B.                  pres, Dakota Portland Cement Co.
Zirzow                               Anton                  sec, Minnehaha Springs