Sherman, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.

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	An enterprising town in Minnehaha county, on the Great Northern Ry., 22 miles
northeast of Sioux Falls. Located in a very rich farming section, with wide-awake
business firms. Sherman's prospects are good for a large growth during the
coming year. Present population 700.

Last Name                                First Name        Business
Akre                                     J. T.             mgr, Farmers Co-Operative Mercantile Co.
Berg & Estensen Mercantile Co. (inc)                       A C Berg pres, C A Estensen sec, general merchandise, farm implements and hardware
Brennan                                  John              town assessor
Brennan                                  N. E.             mgr, Loonan Lumber Co., justice peace
Bruce                                    G. M. (Rev.)      pastor, Norwegian Lutheran Church
Duluth Elevator Co.                                        C H Hanson mgr
Erickson & Kammrude                                        contractors and builders
Estensen                                 C. A.             sec Berg & Estensen Mercantile Co, town clerk and treasurer
Farmers Elevator Co.                                       W S Hanson mgr
Hanson                                   C. H.             mgr Duluth Elevator Co.
Hanson                                   O. J.             harness and saddlery
Hanson                                   W. S.             mgr, Farmers Elevator Co.
Held                                     Wm.               meat market, marshal
Helmey                                   C. T.             drugs and physician
Hulett                                   L. A.             notary public and pres Sherman Bank
Johnson                                  August            postmaster
Kornmann                                 Bruno             saloon
Locke                                    L. B.             livery
Loonan Lumber Co.                                          Nick Brennan mgr
McKince                                  Gordon            painter and paperhanger
Merritt                                  C. M.             restaurant
Mork                                     Otto              barber and furnished rooms
Nelson                                   O. F.             railroad express and telegraph agent
Northwestern Elevator Co.                                  C Scott mgr
Norwegian Lutheran Church                                  Rev G M Bruce pastor
Ross                                     A. M.             cashier Sherman Bank
Scott                                    C.                mgr, Northwestern Elevator Co.
Sherman Bank                                               L A Hulett pres, E E Taylor vice-pres, A M Ross cashier
Sherman Farmers Co-Operative Merc Co.                      J T Akre mgr
Simons                                   Flora E. (Mrs.)   millinery
Simons                                   Walter            blacksmith and machinist
Taylor                                   E. E.             vice-pres, Sherman Bank
Thorpe Elevator Co.                                        Peter Vanderberg mgr
Tjelde                                   Ole               carpenter and builder
Vanderberg                               Peter             mgr, Thorpe Elevator Co.