Garretson, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
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	An important growing town in Minnehaha county, on the Great Northern Ry.,
20 miles northeast of Sioux Falls. Has water works, electric lights and all the 
usual city improvements. Located in a good farming section. Population 800.

Last Name                        First Name     Business
Aanestad                         H. (Rev.)      pastor, Lutheran Synod
Aker                                            see Nelson & Aker
Andrewson                        A. J. (Rev.)   pastor, Congregational Church
Atlas Elevator Co.
Bachelder                        H. C.          cashier Minnehaha State Bank
Baker                            Ed F.          mgr E A Brown & Co.
Beck                             Soren          marshal
Berdahl                          C. O.          cashier First National Bank, city auditor
Berdahl                          E. J.          vice-pres First National Bank
Bowman Lumber Co.                S. H.          A F Lutzen manager
Brooks                           Frank          ice cream and confectionery
Brown & Co.                      E. A.          elevator, Ed F Baker manager
Bruhn                            J. D.          blacksmith
Clark's Department Store         E. H.          Capt J O Foote, the auctioneer, manager
Congregational Church                           Rev A J Andrewson pastor
Conner                           W. T.          barber
Danielson                        John A.        blacksmith
De Vall                          F. C.          physician
Dischner                         Geo. M.        restaurant
Enger                            A.             president Minnehaha State Bank
First National Bank                             Thos Wangsness pres, E J Berdahl vice-pres, C O Berdahl cashier
Foote                            J. O. (Capt.)  auctioneer, manager E H Clark's Department Store
Froehlich                        A. J.          harness and saddlery, chief fire department
Garretson Creamery Co.                          A H Halls manager
Garretson Hardware Co.                          Steinmetz, Wangsness & Munson proprietors
Garretson Hotel                                 Mrs C E McCall proprietor
Garretson News (w)                              Sanders Bros publishers
Garretson Opera House                           Capt J O Foote, manager, seating capacity 500
Garretson Water Works
Gibbs                            R. L.          attorney
Goodhue                          R. S.          principal schools
Hackett                          Luella (Mrs.)  restaurant and rooms
Halls                            A. H.          mgr Garretson Creamery Co.
Hangse                           A. N.          contractor and plasterer, cement side walks
Heiney & Myllenbeck                             saloon
Herbert                          F. L.          justice peace
Hetland                          Jacob          contractor and builder
Holien                           Theodore       exchange mgr, New State Telephone Co.
Holien                           Theodore       exchange mgr, Northwestern Tel Co.
Holien                           Theodore       sec-treas and local mgr South Dakota Rural Telephone Co
Hotel Grand                                     Francis Ingalls prop and mgr
Howe                             J. I.          general merchandise
Hultgren                         Helen          millinery
Ingalls                          Francis        prop and mgr Hotel Grand
Johnson                          Minnie         dressmaker
Johnson & Wangsness                             drugs
Keller                           Ed             city treasurer
Kimmel                           A. L.          feed barn
Kirstein                         J. S.          jeweler
Lembeke                                         see Swoyer & Lembeke
Loonan Lumber Co.                               A D Palmer manager
Lutheran Synod                                  Rev H Aanestad pastor
Lutzen                           A. F.          manager S H Bowman Lumber Co
Mackey                           Wm.            agent Great Northern Ry, Great Northern Express
Marth                            H. R.          meat market
McCall                           C. E. (Mrs.)   proprietor Garretson Hotel
McClarrimon                      W. J. (Rev.)   pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Methodist Episcopal Church                      Rev W J McClarrimon pastor
Millard                          Frank          livery and real estate
Minnehaha State Bank                            A Enger pres, P A Steinmetz vice-pres, H C Bachelder cashier
Munson                                          see Steinmetz, Wangsness & Munson
Myllenbeck                                      see Heiney & Myllenbeck
Nauth                            John           undertaker
Nelson & Aker                                   stone masons
New State Telephone Co.                         Theodore Holien exchange mgr
Northwestern Elevator Co.                       A Pierson manager
Northwestern Tel Co.                            Theodore Holien exchange mgr
Norwegian Lutheran Church                       Rev H M Solem pastor
Oldre                            G. M.          hardware and implements
Palmer                           A. D.          mgr Loonan Lumber Co
Parsley                          Geo.           painter and paperhanger
Parsley                          Geo. (Mrs.)    dressmaker
Pierson                          A.             manager, Northwestern Elevator Co.
Pronty                           J. S.          mgr, C H Shaver News Co.
Roggenkamp & Larson                             cigars and billiards
Royce                            F. W.          stone quarry
Rudd                             A. H.          postmaster
Sanders Bros.                                   publishers Garretson News
Shaver News Co.                  C. H.          J S Pronty mgr, lunch room
Smith                            G. C.          painter and paperhanger
Solem                            H. M. (Rev.)   pastor, Norwegian Lutheran Church
Solheim                          E. A.          boots and shoes
Songstead                        Nels           painter
South Dakota Rural Telephone Co.                Theodore Holien sec
Steinmetz                        Ed             real estate
Steinmetz                        P. A.          manager, Thorpe Elevator Co.
Steinmetz                        P. A.          vice-pres Minnehaha State Bank
Steinmetz & Steinmetz                           saloon
Steinmetz, Wangsness & Munson                   props Garretson Hardware Co.
Stordahl                         E. J.          meat market
Stromme                          J. A.          police justice
Swoyer & Lembeke                                farm implements, grain elevator
Thorpe Elevator Co.                             P A Steinmetz manager
Tradup                           Aug            furniture, undertaker
Vining                           A.             barber
Wangsness                        Thos.          pres First National Bank, mayor
Wangsness                                       see Johnson & Wangsness
Wangsness                                       see Steinmetz, Wangsness & Munson
Wangsness & Son                  M. H.          general merchandise
Whaley                           James          dray and transfer, ice