East Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from "South Dakota State Business
	Directory", published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, CO
	in 1909. This listing shows businesses in East Sioux Falls.

	This information transcribed by Violet L. Sunderland, 
	vsunderl@hq.tcfarm.com and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. 
	All other rights reserved.


A small stone quarry town in Minnehaha county, on the Illinois Central
Ry., 7 miles east of Sioux Falls. Population: 300.

Last Name                    First Name         Business
Anderson                     A.                 plasterer
Anderson                     Annie (Miss)       dressmaker
East Sioux Falls Granite Co.                    stone quarries
Hicks                        E.                 carpenter
Johnson                      A.                 boarding house
Johnson                      Ed                 blacksmith
Meyers                       Wm                 general merchandise
Miles                        D. W.              railroad agent
Miles                        W. W.              postmaster
Olson                        Alma (Miss)        music teacher
Perry                        G. H.              grain elevator
Randall                      Ed                 pool hall
Thompson                     Sam                mayor
Trainer                      P. S.              saloon
Vreeland                     L. G.              justice peace