Dell Rapids, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.

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	An important city in Minnehaha county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Ry., 20 miles north of Sioux Falls. Located on the Big Sioux river, it is
celebrated for the beauty of its scenery. An underlaying strata of red granite 
affords abundant building material. The falls of the river afford an immense 
water power, as yet little used. The surrounding country is rich in soil and 
produces largely. Population 1,700. 

Last Name                             First Name       Business
Adams                                 T. N.            manager, Dell Rapids Creamery
Anderson                              Albert           restaurant
Anderson                              Iver             restaurant and pool hall
Anderson                                               see Peterson & Anderson
Baptist Church                                         Rev E H Jackson pastor
Baptist Church (Scandinavian)
Barbour                               F. W.            harness and trunks
Bent                                  Edward C.        drugs
Beto                                  W. H.            meat market
Blow                                  C. H.            flour, feed and grain
Boley                                 C. C. (Father)   priest, Catholic Church
Boley                                 C. C. (Rev.)     pastor, St Mary's Catholic Church
Bowen                                 Geo.             veterinary surgeon
Bowles                                F. C.            postmaster
Bruce                                 G. M. (Rev.)     pastor, Lutheran Church
Bruce                                 G. M. (Rev.)     pastor, Storahl's Lutheran Church
Burgh Piano Co.                                        J A Kelly manager
Burke & Sons                          P. J.            hardware
Butler                                C. A.            physician
Capesans                                               see Soper & Capesans
Cargill Elevator Co.                                   James Ridlington manager
Carnegie Library
Carroll & Walters                                      barbers
Carsrud                               A.               wagonmaker
Catholic Church                                        Father C C Boley priest
Catlin                                W. S.            jeweler and optician
Catlin                                W. S.            secretary, Dell Rapids Commercial Club
Chong                                 Tom              laundry
Chong                                 Tom              proprietor, Quong Chong Laundry
City Water & Gas Works                                 Chas Smith superintendent
Colman Lumber Co.                     C. L.            L J Larson manager
Cotter & Weber                                         farm machinery
Dallison & Ward                                        excavating contractors
Dell Rapids Commercial Club                            Henry Robertson pres, W S Catlin secretary
Dell Rapids Co-Operative Lumber Co.                    C A Williams manager
Dell Rapids Creamery                                   T N Adams manager
Dell Rapids Implement Co. (inc)                        E J Langness manager
Dell Rapids Mill                                       W G Milne prop, flour and feed
Dell Rapids Opera House
Dell Rapids State Bank                                 G A Uline pres, E J Elliott vice-pres, A C Uline cashier
Dell Rapids Telephone Co.                              A O Williksen manager
Dell Rapids Times-Tribune (w)                          V C Wass editor and pub
Dells Hotel                                            Dells Hotel Co owners, C S Gordinier manager
Dells Livery Co.                                       E C Loop manager
Devaney                               J. H.            livery
Dieson                                M. A.            general merchandise
Dockstader                            W. H.            mayor
Dockstader & Merman                                    millinery
Dougherty                                              see Robertson & Dougherty
Duffy                                 H. J.            cleaning, pressing and repairing
Earles                                U. S.            principal of school
Ecker                                 O.               vice-pres Granite City Bank
Eide                                  O. H.            photographer
Elliott                               E. J.            vice-pres Dell Rapids State Bank
Ervin                                 E. A.            stone quarry
Farmers & Merchants Creamery Co.                       A Himtemer sec-mgr
Field, Slaughter & Co.                                 elevator, John Meldrum agent
First National Bank                                    Henry Robertson pres, B J Sweatt vice-pres, H V Harlan cashier, L K Larson asst cash
Florell                               Edwin            notary public and stenographer
Goddard & Kennedy                                      props Granite City Cigar Co.
Gordinier                             C. S.            manager The Dells Hotel
Granite City Bank                                      O H Smith pres, O Ecker vice-pres, Henry M Smith cashier
Granite City Cigar Co.                                 Goddard & Kennedy proprietors
Grove                                 M. M.            physician
Hanson                                Amund            blacksmith
Harlan                                H. V.            cashier First National Bank
Hartman                               N. J.            shoemaker
Hartman                                                see Haugen & Hartman
Hataling                              S. P. (Rev.)     pastor, Presbyterian Church
Haugen & Hartman                                       drugs
Haughen                               J. E.            rep, Sageng Threshing Machine Co.
Hegge                                 Olaf             city auditor
Hegge & Larson                                         fire insurance agents
Hermanson                             H. J.            furniture and undertaker
Himtemer                              A.               sec-mgr, Farmers & Merchants Creamery Co.
Holten                                Geo. E.          real estate, farm lands and ranches, notary public
Holten & Harlan                                        general merchandise
Housman                               Wm. McK.         physician
Huntemer                              A.               real estate, loans and insurance
Irwin                                 J. E.            jeweler
Jackson                               E. H. (Rev.)     pastor, Baptist Church
Johnson                               C. J.            hardware and farm machinery, plumber
Keefer                                Scott            manager, Rothschild Grain Co.
Kelly                                 J. A.            manager, Burgh Piano Co.
Kennedy                                                see Goddard & Kennedy
Kinodrome Theatre                                      Soper & Capesans proprietors
Krause & Krause                                        (G R and H G), attorneys-at-law
Langloss                              J. I.            feed barn
Langness                              E. J.            manager Dell Rapids Implement Co.
Langsvehaug                           O. O.            blacksmith
Larson                                L. J.            manager C L Colman Lumber Co.
Larson                                L. K.            assistant cashier First National Bank
Larson                                                 see Hegge & Larson
Loop                                  E. C.            manager The Dells Livery Co.
Lund                                  W. G.            real estate, insurance
Lutheran Church                                        Rev G M Bruce pastor
Lutheran Church (St. Paul's)                           Rev C R Moe pastor
Martin                                I.               physician
Martinson                             K. (Mrs.)        dressmaker
Maule                                 J. T.            blacksmith
McCaull-Webster Elevator Co.                           Harvey Ryan manager
McDermott                             P. J.            auctioneer
McFarland                             W. V.            coal and wood
McGrew Bros.                                           restaurant, pool and billiards
Meldrum                               John             agent Field, Slaughter & Co.
Merman                                                 see Dockstader & Merman
Methodist Episcopal Church                             Rev F C White pastor
Milne                                 W. G.            proprietor Dell Rapids Mill
Moe                                   C. R. (Rev.)     pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Moran                                 L. I.            carriage painter
Mulligan                              B. T.            confectionery and news stand
Nesbit                                Lizzie (Miss)    librarian, Public Library
Nesby                                 Paul             painter and paperhanger
Nesby & Son                           P. M.            painters and decorators
Nisbet                                W. C.            real estate
Norstad                               Andrew           groceries and queensware
Odd Fellows State Home
Olson & Smith                                          meat market
Owens                                 C. H.            stenographer
Parker                                William          drugs
Paulson Bros.                                          stone and concrete contractors
Payne                                 E. F.            marshal
Peterson & Anderson                                    carpenters
Pfister                               Fred             bakery and grocery
Presbyterian Church                                    Rev S P Hataling pastor
Prisch Elevator Co.                                    W J Prisch manager
Public Library                                         Miss Lizzie Nesbit librarian
Quong Chong Laundry                                    Tom Chong proprietor
Ratcliffe & Sawyer                                     barbers
Richardson                            D. H.            livery
Ridlington                            James            manager, Cargill Elevator Co.
Rime & Co.                            H. O.            general merchandise
Ripley                                J. W.            stone quarry
Robertson                             Henry            pres, Dell Rapids Commercial Club
Robertson                             Henry            president First National Bank
Robertson & Dougherty                                  attorneys at law
Rollins                               J. R.            agent C, M & St P Ry
Rothschild Grain Co.                                   Scott Keefer manager
Rowland                               W. G.            dray line
Ryan                                  Harvey           manager, McCaull-Webster Elevator Co.
Sageng Threshing Machine Co.                           J E Haughen rep.
Sawyer                                Burt R.          dentist
Sawyer                                O. O.            physician
Sawyer                                                 see Ratcliffe & Sawyer
Selkensen                             J. R.            secy-treas, Sioux Hardware & Construction Co.
Simpson                               R.               stone quarry
Sioux Hardware & Construction Co.                      Chas Smith pres, J R Selkensen secy-treas
Slaughter                                              see Field, Slaughter & Co.
Smith                                 Chas.            pres, Sioux Hardware & Construction Co.
Smith                                 Chas.            superintendent, City Water & Gas Works
Smith                                 Henry M.         cash Granite City Bank
Smith                                 O. H.            pres Granite City Bank, notary public, insurance
Smith                                                  see Olson & Smith
Soper & Capesans                                       proprietors Kinodrome Theatre
St Mary's Catholic Church                              Rev. C C Boley pastor
Stockwell                             D. E. (Miss)     millinery
Storahl's Lutheran Church                              Rev G M Bruce pastor
Sweatt                                B. J.            vice-president First National Bank
Thorsen                               A. T.            dentist
Tufteland                             O.               general merchandise
Tufteland                             Thos.            coal and wood
Uline                                 A. C.            cashier Dell Rapids State Bank
Uline                                 G. A.            president Dell Rapids State Bank
Walters                                                see Carroll & Walters
Ward                                  D. E.            billiards and cigars
Ward                                                   see Dallison & Ward
Wass                                  V. C.            editor and pub Dell Rapids Times-Tribune
Weber                                                  see Cotter & Weber
Webster                                                see McCaull-Webster Elevator Co.
White                                 F. C. (Rev.)     pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Williams                              C. A.            sec and mgr Dell Rapids Co-Operative Lumber Co.
Williksen                             A. O.            manager, Dell Rapids Telephone Co.
Wood                                  V. A.            dentist