Crooks, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.

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	A small town in Minnehaha county, on the S. D. C. railroad, 9 miles northwest 
of Sioux Falls. Population 90.

Last Name                    First Name    Business
Aikey                        W.            manager, New State Telephone Co.
Anderson                     H. P.         carpenter
Baker                        W. L.         vice-pres, Crooks State Bank
Benson                       Joe           hardware and farm machinery
Brendtro                     O. P.         meat market
Cedar Rapids Grain Co.                     elevator, E A Severin manager
Cheshire                     J. M.         harness and saddlery
Christenson                  E. C.         manager, Crooks Lumber Co.
Clift                        R. W. E.      barber
Crooks                       A. C.         asst cashier, Crooks State Bank
Crooks                       D. O.         pres Crooks State Bank, postmaster, station agent, public hall
Crooks                       G. A.         creamery, justice peace
Crooks                       G. A.         manager, Newhope Grain Co.
Crooks Lumber Co.                          E C Christenson manager
Crooks State Bank                          D O Crooks pres, W L Baker vice-pres, H L Norton cashier, A P Crooks asst cashier
Hager                        H.            boarding house
Holmstrom                    E. A.         blacksmith
Johnson                      Jennie C.     dressmaker
Johnson                      P. E.         painter
Johnson & Co.                A.            general merchandise
New State Telephone Co.                    W Aikey manager
Newhope Grain Co.                          elevator, G A Crooks manager
Norton                       H. L.         cashier Crooks State Bank, notary public
Nustad                       J.            painter
Orstad                       C. J.         general merchandise
Ostley                       J. B.         stonemason
Peterson                     L.            carpenter
Severin                      E. A.         manager, Cedar Rapids Grain Co.
Stine                        M. B.         physician
Swenson                      John          dray line