Benclare, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from "South Dakota State Business
	Directory", published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, CO
	in 1909. This listing shows businesses in Benclare.

	This information transcribed by Violet L. Sunderland, and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. 
	All other rights reserved.


A postoffice in Minnehaha county. Station on the Illinois Central Ry.,
15 miles east of Sioux Falls. Population: 15.

Gurney, T J			pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
HYDE, E J 			general merchandise and postmaster
King, A L			agent, Illinois Central Ry.
Methodist Episcopal Church	Rev T J Gurney, pastor
Peterson, H J			grain elevator
Severson, J B			justice peace
Spraker & Co			grain elevator and coal
Tuthill Lumber Co, John		lumber and hardware