Baltic, Minnehaha Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory

	This file contains a listing from the "South Dakota State Business
	Directory," published by The Gazetteer Publishing Co., Denver, 
	Colorado in 1909.

	Information transcribed by Joy Fisher. This file may be freely copied 
	by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use.

	Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval 
	system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other 
	means requires the written approval of the file's author.

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	Small town in Minnehaha county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Ry., 16 miles north of Sioux Falls. Population 325.

Last Name                            First Name     Business
Baltic Co-operative Creamery Co.                    E J Oyan sec and mgr
Baltic House                                        D O Logan proprietor
Baltic Minnehaha (w)                                R R Thompson editor and publr
Baltic Pharmacy                                     Simon Hanson proprietor
Baltic Roller Mills                                 W G Milne proprietor
Baltic Telephone Co.                                H S Juve manager
Baptist Church (first)                              Rev E H Jackson pastor
Baptist Church (free will)                          Mission
Berven                               A. T.          general merchandise, mayor
Bidne                                G. G.          boots and shoes
Boe                                  N. N. (Rev.)   pastor, Norwegian Lutheran Church (Nidros)
Brende                               J. G.          hardware
Co-operative Lumber Co.                             T J Questad manager
Dakota State Bank                                   K E Jacobson pres, H G Solem vice-pres, C T Hegnes cashier, H S Sandvig assistant cashier
Farmers Elevator Co.                                E J Oyan manager
Gulbrandson Bros.                                   blacksmiths
Hanson                               Simon          proprietor Baltic Pharmacy
Hegnes                               C. T.          cashier Dakota State Bank, notary public
Helgerson                            M.             restaurant
Hetlesater                           R.             physician
Huntting Elevator Co.                               John H Moe manager
Jackson                              E. H.          pastor, Baptist Church (first)
Jacobson                             K. E.          president Dakota State Bank
Jube                                 Ole S.         livery
Juve                                 H. S.          manager, Baltic Telephone Co.
Juve                                 Henry S.       postmaster
Kirkeby                              John           manager, South Dakota Grain Co.
Lee & Lee                                           general merchandise
Lindberg                             R. E.          harness
Logan                                D. O.          proprietor Baltic House
Milne                                W. G.          proprietor Baltic Roller Mills
Moe                                  C. C. (Rev.)   pastor, Norwegian Lutheran Church (St Olaf)
Moe                                  John H.        manager Huntting Elevator Co.
Nelson                               Bessie         millinery
Norwegian Lutheran Church (Nidros)                  Rev N N Boe pastor
Norwegian Lutheran Church (St Olaf)                 Rev C C Moe, pastor
Oien                                 G. H.          meat market
Oyan                                 E. J.          mgr Farmers Elevator Co, sec and mgr Baltic Creamery Co.
Oyan                                 Thomas         painter
Questad                              K. J. (Mrs.)   hardware
Questad                              O. J.          general merchandise
Questad                              T. J.          manager, Co-operative Lumber Co.
Salbak                               Peter          painter and paper hanger
Sandvig                              H. S.          assistant cashier Dakota State Bank
Skauke                               John           wagon maker
Smemoe                               M. B.          furniture and undertaker, justice peace
Solem                                H. G.          vice-president Dakota State Bank
South Dakota Grain Co.                              John Kirkeby manager
Taylor                               E. L.          agent C M & St P Ry and Wells Fargo Exp.
Thompson                             John T.        drugs
Thompson                             R. R.          editor and publisher Baltic Minnehaha
Thompson                             T. T.          principal schools
Yeomans                              Frank D.       barber