Frank R. Hyde Biography

	This biography appears on page 575 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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HYDE, FRANK R., was born at Pittsfield, Pike county, Illinois, December 10, 
1858; when six years old he removed with his parents to Lincoln, in the same 
state, where he attended the district schools and the Lincoln college; in 1878 
became clerk in a drygoods store and remained five years; in 1883 went to Potter 
county, Dakota, a took up a quarter section of land, and remained there and at 
Blunt three years; in 1886 went to Missouri and engaged in farming two years; 
came to Sioux Falls May 10, 1888, and bought Hills & Beebe's abstract books, and 
opened an abstract office.  In 1888 the Sioux Falls Abstract and Title Insurance 
Company was incorporated, and his abstract business was consolidated with it, 
but he and H. M Avery owned a controlling interest in the stock.  In 1897 the 
company was reorganized, and he still has an interest in it.  In April, 1895, he 
was appointed superintendent of Bradstreet & Company's business in South Dakota, 
and holds this position at the present time.  Mr. Hyde is an energetic, 
industrious business man, and highly respected citizen.