Solomon B. Howe Biography

	This biography appears on page 572 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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HOWE, SOLOMON B., was born at McLean, Tompkins county, N. Y., March 3, 1862.  He 
attended the district school and the academy at his home until 1878; was then 
employed with his father surveying for five years, and taught school for some 
time, until he removed to Dakota.  He arrived at Valley Springs in this county 
April 11, 1884, where he was engaged as school teacher.  When the Illinois 
Central railroad was built from Cherokee to Sioux Falls, he had charge of the 
surveying from Cherokee to Onowa.  In the spring of 1889 he entered the office 
of D. C. Rice, city engineer of the city of Sioux Falls, and remained his 
assistant until June 22, 1893, when Mr. Rice died, and Mr. Howe was appointed 
city engineer to fill the vacancy. During the next two years he held no official 
position, but was engaged in surveying; in 1896 was again appointed city 
engineer, and has held this position since then.  Mr. Howe is of genial 
temperament, well liked, makes a good official, and is a respected citizen.