William H. Holt Biography

	This biography appears on page 568 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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HOLT, WILLIAM H., was born in Connecticut, July 13, 1846. When four years of age 
he removed with his parents to New York city. He afterwards lived in Ohio and 
Iowa, and came to Sioux Falls in 1871 from Cherokee with William VanEps. For 
several years after coming to Sioux Falls he was in the employ of Mr. Van Eps, 
and also worked for C. K. Howard several years.  He was deputy county clerk in 
1871-2.  In 1873 he was appointed sheriff to fill vacancy, C. A. Lindstrom, who 
had been elected, having failed to qualify.  Mr. Holt was village clerk for the 
years 1880-1-2, and city clerk and auditor from 1882 until May 1892. He has for 
a good many years been prominent in Masonic matters, officially and otherwise. 
he commenced in the insurance business in 1886, but abandoned it to engage in 
farming in 1893.

"Billy Holt" has some traits of character that make him popular. He is a stayer 
in everything he undertakes, and no one will ever charge him of deserting a 
friend.  He is a genial, good fellow, and as full of sand as a man can be and 
have any reasonable prospects of a long life.  It is not too much to say that 
there are but few men better known in the county, and he has a host of friends.