George M. Higby Biography

	This biography appears on page 566 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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HIGBY, GEORGE M., was born at Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, December 20, 1854.  
In his early youth he attended the public schools, but was thrown upon his own 
resources to obtain a livelihood when less than fifteen years old.  In 1870, he 
went into the employ of the Estey Organ Company located at Brattleboro, Vermont, 
and remained with them until he removed to Sioux Falls in January, 1890. While a 
resident of Brattleboro he was one of the trustees of the village for three 
years, auditor seven years, and treasurer and clerk two years; the two last 
named offices he resigned when he went West. From 1890, until 1894, he was 
engaged in stenographic work in connection with E. P White.  Upon Judge Jones 
assuming the duties of circuit judge he received the appointment of stenographer 
for the circuit court in the second judicial circuit, which position he now 
holds. He is a good citizen, and makes a good official.