Joshua B. Harris Biography

	This biography appears on page 565 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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HARRIS, JOSHUA B., was born at Franconia, Grafton county, New 
Hampshire.  He 
attended common schools and worked on a farm until twenty-one years of 
age, and 
then went to New York city where he remained four years when he 
returned to his 
old home and worked on his father's farm two years.  In 1852 went to 
Wisconsin, where he remained two years and then took up and lived on a 
farm in 
Gooodhue county, Minnesota, four years.  In 1858 he went to Colorado, 
where he 
resided until 1861, then returned to Wisconsin and in October of that 
enlisted in Co. D, 16th Wisconsin, and served through the war. He held 
a non-
commissioned office in his company at the time of his discharge. At the 
close of 
the war he returned to Watertown, Wis., and resided there three years, 
and then 
went to Owatonna, Minnesota, where he lived until he removed to this 
arriving in Sioux Falls on the 20th day of March, 1877. He took up a 
in Wellington township, where he resided four years and then removed to 
Falls. On the 1st day of February, 1893 he went to the Soldiers' Home, 
and in 
1895 was appointed sergeant at the home, which position he still holds. 
family resides in the city of Sioux Falls. He is an honest, upright 
man, and a 
good citizen.