Peter F. Haas Biography

	This biography appears on page 552 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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HAAS, PETER F., was born in Detroit, Michigan, April 9, 1852. While a lad he 
attended the city schools, and in 1874 was graduated from the Northwestern 
college at Napierville, Illinois.  He then taught school until 1878, studying 
law during the time.  In 1879 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law at 
Grundy Center, Iowa, until 1880. On the.22d day of February of that year he 
arrived at Lennox, Lincoln county, Dakota, where he remained ten years, 
practicing law.  In February, 1890, he purchased the Dakota Deutsche Zeitung, 
published at Sioux Falls, and after changing its name to that of Dakota Staats 
Zeitung, has continued its publication to the present time. Mr. Haas is quite an 
able editorial writer, and is not only a good newspaper man but also a good 
citizen and takes an active part in all local matters.