Dr. William A. Germain Biography

	This biography appears on pages 543-544 in "History of Minnehaha
 	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
 	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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GERMAIN, DR. WILLIAM A., was born at Delafield, Wis., March 21, 1855. Attended 
the public schools, and the State University at Madison, where he graduated in 
1878.  The next two years was principal of the schools at Sharon, Wis. Studied 
medicine and was graduated from the Butler Medical College at Butler, Ind., in 
March, 1882, and immediately thereafter left for Sioux Falls where he commenced 
the practice of his profession the same month. He is connected with all the 
Masonic bodies located at Sioux Falls, and has been elected to the highest 
official positions in nearly all of the Masonic organizations of the city; 
is president of the Board of Pensions of this district, and local surgeon 
of the C., M. & St. Paul railroad company.  He has built up a large and 
lucrative practice, and is recognized as one of the most skillful practitioners 
in the city of Sioux Falls.  He is an active citizen and contributes his share 
to all public enterprises.