William G. George Biography

	This biography appears on page 501 in "History of Minnehaha
 	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
 	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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GEORGE, WILLIAM G., is a native of Ems, Germany, and was born January 13, 1851; 
was educated in the public schools, and when sixteen years of age entered a 
printing office; emigrated to the United States and settled at West Bend, 
Wisconsin; worked at his trade in Winona and St. Paul, Minnesota, and came to 
Sioux Falls in April, 1886.  In 1887, was employed by Caldwell & Bliss, and 
took charge of the job department in their printing office until 1895, when 
he opened a job printing office on his own account, and is conducting this 
business at the present writing.  He is a member of the Modern Woodmen, the A. 
O. U. W., Germania Verein, and Modern Brotherhood of America.  Mr. George is 
a good business man, and a respected citizen.