John Howard Gates Biography

	This biography appears on pages 538, 541 in "History of Minnehaha
 	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
 	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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GATES, JOHN HOWARD, was born at Waterloo, Iowa, October 28,
1865; was graduated from the high school in 1882, and from the State
University of Iowa in 1888; in September of that year came to Sioux
Falls, and remained one year as clerk in the law office of Bailey &
Davis; attended the law department of the Columbia University, N. Y. 
one year; returned to Sioux Falls, and entered the law firm of
Davis, Lyon & Gates in December, 1890, of which firm he is still a 
member; was appointed city attorney of Sioux Falls to fill vacancy, 
from September, 1893, to May 1, 1894; was nominated on the Republican 
ticket for state's attorney of Minnehaha county in November, 1896, and 
out of 5,108 votes received 2,426; was president of the Commercial Club 
in 1897.  Mr. Gates is well posted in his profession; is one of the "Big 
Four" of the Sioux Falls Whist Club, social and genial, and has a host 
of friends.