Rev. Andrew King Fuller Biography

	This biography appears on page 537 in "History of Minnehaha
 	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
 	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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FULLER, REV. ANDREW KING, was born March 3, 1855, in Masonville, Delaware 
county, N. Y.  His early life was spent on a farm, and when sixteen years 
of age he taught a district school; was educated at the Afton Academy and 
Colgate University, where he was graduated in 1879, standing fourth in his 
class, and became teacher in elocution for two years at the same place.  
In 1882 he was graduated from the Hamilton Theological Seminary.  In June 
of that year he married Phoebe E. Sisson, of Hamilton, N. Y.  During the 
next seven years he had charge of the Wurts Baptist church, of Rondout, 
N. Y.  He removed to Sioux Falls September 1, 1889, and remained three 
years as pastor of the First Baptist church, of Sioux Falls.  He then 
returned East to Newburgh, N.Y., and on October 9, 1892, took charge of 
the First Baptist church of that place.  While in Sioux Falls, the church 
was prosperous under his charge - over one hundred being received into 
its membership.  He did not mistake his calling, and it is not too much 
to say that he is a model pastor; his kind, genial manners, his culture 
and ability, his admirable qualities as a preacher, together with his 
rare good sense as a citizen, secured for him while in Sioux Falls a 
large circle of friends who greatly regretted his departure.