Dr. George H. Fulford Biography

	This biography appears on pages 532, 535-537 in "History of Minnehaha
 	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
 	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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FULFORD, DR. GEORGE H., was born at Chittenango, Madison county, N. Y., July 18, 
1854.  His father was a Methodist preacher, and he obtained his early education 
in towns where his father preached. In 1872 he graduated from Ogdensburg 
Commercial college; attended Ives Seminary, a literary and college preparatory 
school, located at Andover, N. Y., three years; was graduated from there in 
1876, and won the gold medal offered for best development in scholarship and 
deportment that year; attended Syracuse University in 1876-7, and during the 
fall of 1877 entered the medical department of Boston University, took a 
three years course, and graduated in 1880; took full course at the New York 
Polyclinic in 1888-9, and a clinical course in Chicago in 1893; practiced 
medicine in New York state five years, and located at Sioux Falls in December, 
1885, where he has since resided practicing his profession.  He is a member 
of the Lone Star Masonic lodge, of Adams, N. Y., and also of the A. O. 
U. W., Woodmen of the World, Modern Woodmen, and the Tribe of Joseph.  He was 
nominated for coroner on the Republican ticket in 1898, but was defeated with 
the rest of the nominees of that party. Dr. Fulford is the leading homeopathic 
physician in this part of the state, and has a large practice.