Eihardt Fleitz Biography

	This biography appears on page 528 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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FLEITZ, EIHARDT, was born in Baden, Germany, January 6, 1848.  His early youth 
he spent in attending school, and boating on the Rhine.  In 1862 he emigrated 
to the United States, and settled in Louisville, Ky. For awhile he was employed 
as a laborer in building forts at that place, and then entered a brewery and 
learned the trade of malster.  In 1866, he enlisted in Co. D, 2d Battalion, 13th 
U. S. infantry, but the company was soon after transferred to the 22d Infantry, 
and he came to Sioux Falls with that company in June, 1866.  On the 7th day of 
May, 1869, his term  of enlistment having expired, he was discharged. The same 
year he took up what is known as the True Dennis place in Sioux Falls township, 
but sold out his interest in 1873, and then took up a quarter section of land 
about three miles north of the village of Hartford.  In 1876 his crops were 
destroyed by grasshoppers, and he removed to the city of Sioux Falls, where 
he has since been engaged as a malster in the Sioux Falls Brewery.  Mr. Fleitz 
is a quiet, unassuming man, and a good citizen.