Rev. Thomas L. Fisher Biography

	This biography appears on pages 527-528 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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FISHER, REV. THOMAS L., was born at Hartford, Connecticut, June 8, 1855.  He 
attended the public schools, and graduated from the high school at Hartford in 
1874.  He then entered Amherst college, and was graduated from there in 1878.  
During the next year he studied medicine, and then commenced a course of study 
for the ministry.  He was ordained deacon in May, 1883, by Bishop Huntington of 
Central New York, and the following year was ordained to the priesthood by 
Bishop Paddock of Massachusetts. For five years he had charge of a parish at 
Malden, Mass., and then became rector of a parish at Clinton, Mass., where he 
remained seven years.  He came to Sioux Falls in December, 1895, and preached 
his first sermon in the Cathedral December 22.  The next Easter he became pastor
of Calvary church, and remained in charge until May, 1899.  While a resident of 
Sioux Falls he took an active part in all public matters pertaining to the moral 
welfare of the city, and did not hesitate to express his views freely upon other 
subjects of public interest.  As a preacher, pastor and citizen he was highly 
esteemed, and his removal from the city was sincerely regretted by all who had 
the pleasure of his acquaintance.