Dr. Frederick H. Files Biography

	This biography appears on page 527 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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FILES, DR. FREDERICK H., was born in Gorham, Maine, December 1, 1862; was reared 
on a farm, attended the public schools, and fitted for college at the Westbrook 
seminary, and was graduated from Bowdoin college in 1883; the next three years 
taught the boys' department in the Westbrook seminary and studied medicine during 
the same time; the next two years attended the school for medical instruction at 
Portland, and the medical department of Bowdoin college, from which he was 
graduated in 1888; from August 1 of that year until August 1, 1889, was house 
surgeon in the Maine general hospital at Portland; and then started west on an 
excursion, and fell in with the Commercial Club of Sioux Falls, at Duluth, and 
came to Sioux Falls with them, where he has since resided engaged in the practice 
of his profession.  He is prominent in Masonic circles, and has been Grand Master 
of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota.  Was appointed member of the State Board of 
Health for five years in 1894; is now secretary of the board, and under the 
provisions of the law establishing the board will be its president in 1899.  
Has been a member of the County Board of Health for two years, and its 
superintendent one year.  Has also been president of the Minnehaha County 
Medical society; is now president of the board of trustees of the Congregational 
church; and was a director of the Union National Bank.  Dr. Files is an 
enterprising citizen, a skillful physician, and well liked by all who know him.