John Harry Fernyhough Biography

	This biography appears on page 524, 527 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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FERNYHOUGH, JOHN HARRY, was born in England, June 22, 1863.  When about four years 
old he came to the United States with his mother; his father having previously died.  
After coming to this country he resided with his mother in Wisconsin and Iowa, and 
came with her to Sioux Falls, December 18, 1879, where he has since resided.  He 
graduated from the high school in Sioux Falls, and then entered the law office of 
Boyce & Boyce, and also attended a law school in Chicago for one year.  After being 
admitted to the bar he was employed in Boyce & Boyce's office for two years. He then
opened a law office for himself, but soon drifted into the real estate business.  
After the boom was over in 1893, be resumed the practice of law, in which he has 
since continued.  Mr. Fernyhough is a genial, good fellow, attentive to business, a 
good citizen, and has a host of friends.