L. M. Estabrook Biography

	This biography appears on pages 524, 525 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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ESTABROOK, L. M., is a native of Platteville, Wisconsin, and was born February 25, 
1852. He received his education in the first State Normal School which was located 
at Platteville, and was graduated from the law department of the Michigan University 
in the class of 1875.  He then located at Logan, Iowa, and practiced law for one year, 
and then came to Sioux Falls, where he engaged in the practice of his profession and 
in the real estate business for several years. Owing to poor health of himself and 
family he moved out on his farm in Brandon and remained there until 1894, when he 
returned to Sioux Falls, where he has since resided.  He was appointed city auditor 
in May, 1898.  Mr. Estabrook is one of the leading politicians in the state.  He 
was one of the first men in this county to join the Populist organization, and has 
grown up with it.  During the presidential campaign of 1896 he was chairman of the 
state committee, and contributed largely to the success of the party.  He is well 
posted, and makes a good speech from his standpoint when campaigning, and is radical 
enough in his political views to be recognized as one of the advance guard.  He is a 
good citizen, and popular with the laboring classes whose cause he most heartily 