Anna Bernardina Ericson Biography

	This biography appears on page 524 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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ERICSON, Miss ANNA BERNARDINA, is a native of Sweden and came to the United States 
in 1889, to visit her brother, Oscar Ericson, of Sioux Falls.  In 1890 she commenced 
a course of phonography in the office of the court reporter, E. P. White, in order 
to perfect herself in the English language.  In 1891 she had become so proficient in 
stenography and type writing that she obtained employment as stenographer in a law 
office, and since then has been employed by some of the best law firms in the city.  
She has also devoted considerable time to the collection of data, and in preparing 
the manuscript of this History for the press.