Axel S. Ellis Biography

	This biography appears on page 520 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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ELLIS, AXEL S., was born in Sumner, Oxford county, Maine, May 2, 1851.  His parents 
removed to Sparta, Wis., when he was quite young, and from there to Owatonna, Minn., 
where the subject of this sketch graduated from the high school.  He was reared on a 
farm, and upon attaining his majority went to Minneapolis and for two years was 
employed in the Pillsbury flouring mills; from there went back to Sparta, where he 
was employed in the post office as assistant postmaster until the last of January, 
1887.  At that time W. P. Carr was postmaster at Sioux Falls, and at his 
solicitation Mr. Ellis came to Sioux Falls January 31, 1887.  The next day he went 
into the post office as assistant, and remained in the office in that capacity until 
he was appointed postmaster in June, 1896.  He received his appointment on the 10th 
of June, but did not take charge of the office until the first day of August 
following. The office under his charge has been conducted to the entire satisfaction 
of its patrons, and a more efficient and obliging corps of employes would be 
difficult to find. Mr. Ellis is a pleasant, courteous gentleman to meet, popular 
with his associates, and a highly esteemed citizen.