Lyman T. Dunning Biography

	This biography appears on page 516 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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DUNNING, LYMAN T., was born in Jefferson county, Wisconsin, July 26, 1847.  He spent 
his minority at work on a farm and in obtaining an education in the district and 
city schools. At about twenty-two years of age he entered employment in a drug 
store, and worked in the capacity of clerk until he came to Sioux Falls in July, 
1873. Soon after his arrival he opened a drug store at this place, and from that 
time to the present writing has done a successful drug business. In 1880 he was 
elected one of the trustees of the Village Board, and in 1881 was elected its 
president.  He has never been a politician, but has attended strictly to business 
and has been successful.  He can justly be numbered as one of our best citizens, 
not only on account of his personal characteristics but because of his public-
spirited attitude on questions affecting the interests of the city.