Den Donahoe Biography

	This biography appears on pages 512, 513 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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DONAHOE, DEN, was born in Canada February 14, 1861.  He removed to Iowa with 
his parents when only three years of age and from there removed to Chicago 
during the winter of 1871, where he worked in his father's brick yard when 
not attending school.  In 1878 his parents came to Sioux Falls, and Den was 
one of a large family who accompanied them.  Again Den went to work in his 
father's brick yard, and continued in that occupation until he was appointed 
deputy warden at the penitentiary under Daniel S. Glidden, who was then the 
warden.  He held this position two years. During the years 1893-4 was deputy 
sheriff under Sheriff George W. Knott, and had his office at the court house. 
The following two years he was engaged in the ice business in Sioux Falls.  
In 1896 he received the nomination for sheriff of this county by the Democratic 
and Populist parties and was elected, and in 1898 was re-elected. Mr. Donahoe 
makes a good official, is a good citizen, and, as the official returns in 1896 
and 1898 demonstrate, has a host of friends.