Simon H. Dixon Biography

	This biography appears on page 512 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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DIXON, SIMON H., was born in Star county, Ohio, October 13, 1832.  He attended 
the public schools and worked on a farm until he was twenty-three years old.  
He then went to Iowa and for three years was engaged as a contractor and builder, 
and then resumed the occupation of farming.  In 1862 he enlisted in Co. G, 35th 
Iowa Inf., and was elected captain of the company at the time it was organized and 
served through the war.  He then returned to Iowa, and remained there engaged in 
farming until he removed to Sioux Falls in March, 1892. While a resident of Iowa 
he held several town offices and was appointed by the governor as commissioner at 
large from the state of Iowa to  e Cotton Exposition at New Orleans.  Since coming 
to Sioux Falls he has been engaged in the real estate business.  At the Republican 
county convention of Minnehaha county, in 1898, he was nominated clerk of the 
courts, but the Republicans were in the minority.  Captain Dixon is a good citizen 
and an active participator in all public matters, and, for the short time he has 
resided in the county has a host of friends.