Stengrim O. Detlie Biography

	This biography appears on page 511 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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DETLIE, STENGRIM O. is a native of Norway, and was born April 17, 1842.  He 
received a common school education, and worked for an English carriage 
manufacturer in Norway several years. He emigrated to the United States in 
1866, arriving in Chicago in April of that year.  He remained in Chicago 
until August following, when he went to Union county, Dakota, and took up 
a homestead and engaged in farming for ten years.  In 1876, he was employed 
by the government at the Crow Creek Indian Agency, and remained there until 
1886, when he removed to Sioux Falls.  In the fall of that year he bought a 
half interest in Martin Olson's carriage and blacksmith-mg business, and the 
copartnership of Olson & Detlie was then formed.  In 1894, the firm erected a 
store building 50 by 90 feet, three stories high, on Seventh street, between 
Main and Dakota avenues, where they have since been engaged in the manufacture 
of carriages.  Mr. Detlie was instrumental in the organization of the United 
Norwegian Lutheran church in Sioux Falls, and has been the superintendant of 
its affairs since its organization, and the fact that the congregation has a 
commodious church building in which to worship is largely attributable to Mr. 
Detlie's enterprise and efforts. He is an energetic business man, and a good 