Mrs. Mary H. Darling Biography

	This biography appears on page 506 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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DARLING, MRS. MARY H., was born in Belgrade, Maine, December 29, 1801, and 
died in Sioux Falls March 26, 1898.  Her maiden name was Mary H. Buffington.  
In 1826, she was married to the Rev. J. W. Darling, a Free Will Baptist 
minister, who died at Freeport, Illinois, in 1868.  In 1882, she came with 
her daughters, Mrs. Rowland and Miss Ella L. Darling, to Sioux Falls, where 
she resided until her decease.  "Grandma Darling" as she was called by those 
who knew her, was a woman of more than ordinary strength of character.  She 
had a purpose in living.  Industry, frugality, and benevolence, were the 
rules of her life.  She took an active interest in all the public questions 
of the day, and her sympathies were keenly enlisted in the Cuban cause during 
her last days.  Living such a life, covering nearly a century, made rich and 
great by the devotion of noble, good women, it is no wonder that she was a 
grand good woman herself.