Walter J. Crisp, Jr. Biography

	This biography appears on page 502 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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CRISP, JR., WALTER J., was born at Marshall, Wisconsin, March 4, 1870. His 
parents removed to this county and located in Logan township when he was three 
years old. He was raised on a farm, attended the public schools, and was a 
student at the State Normal school at Madison, So. Dak., for nearly three years.  
When he attained his majority he entered a law office at Dell Rapids, and 
studied law three months.  During the fall of 1891 he purchased the machine 
business from the Jerry Law estate, and the following year bought out H. K. 
Hobart in the same kind of business, and continued therein until he was 
elected clerk of courts of Minnehaha county during the fall of 1896. Upon 
assuming the duties of his office, he removed from Dell Rapids and took up 
his residence in Sioux Falls. During his official career he has given 
universal satisfaction.  He was the nominee of the Fusionists for re-
election in 1898, and not even an old soldier candidate was successful 
against him as Mr. Crisp was re-elected. He is an all-around good fellow, 
and has a host of friends.