Cyrenius H. Craig Biography

	This biography appears on page 502 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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CRAIG, Cyrenius H., was born at Greenbush, Rensselaer county, N. Y., 
November 20, 1856; attended school until thirteen years old, then worked 
in a foundry one year, and was one year on a steamboat between Greenbush 
and New York city. His father was captain of the boat.  When fifteen years 
old went into the printing office of the Rensselaer Gazette, where he remained 
until twenty-one years of age. On the 18th day of May, 1878, arrived in Sioux 
Falls and worked at the printer's trade four years.  In May, 1882, went to 
Decorah, Iowa, and purchased the Decorah Radical, and conducted it for two 
years; sold out and returned to Sioux Falls, where he has since resided. 
From July, 1884, until 1888, worked on the Press, then purchased the Sioux 
Falls Journal, and published it about one year and then sold the plant to 
Cogan & Stebbins, and again was employed on the Press until March, 1890, 
since which time he has been on the Argus-Leader.  He has been its city 
editor for several years.  Is a newspaper man, and knows how to gather news. 
Is a genial good fellow, minds his own business, but hates a "scoop" unless 
he can make it himself. His good citizenship is unquestioned.