Eugene W. Coughran Biography

	This biography appears on pages 501-502 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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COUGHRAN, EUGENE W., was born in Reedsburg, Wisconsin, June 17, 1856; attended 
the common schools, and was graduated from the high school at Sparta, after 
which he entered the telegraph office of the Northwestern Railroad Co. at that 
place. He was in Sioux Falls a short time in 1875 but did not come there to 
locate permanently until November 10, 1876. He was at first employed in I. D. 
Cameron & Co.'s bank, but near the close of the month was employed by the 
Northwestern Telegraph Co., in its office just opened at that time in a small 
frame building on Phillips avenue. The next year Cameron & Co. built the block 
now occupied by Charles Vincent, just opposite this frame building, and the 
bank and telegraph office were moved into the new block. In the fall of 1877, 
he entered the United States land office in Sioux Falls as chief clerk, and 
retained this position until the office was removed to Mitchell. In 1880, he 
entered into a copartnership with T. B. McMartin, under the firm name of 
Coughran & McMartin, which continued until October 1, 1889. The firm was 
engaged in the practice of law, real estate and loans.  Since the dissolution 
of the firm, Mr. Coughran has confined his business to real estate and loans. 
He is a good business man, and has been successful; is a good citizen, but has 
never been a candidate for office.