Harry Corson Biography

	This biography appears on pages 498-501 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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CORSON, HARRY.  On the 6th day of September, 1836, Harry Corson was born at 
Athens, Maine, and was named by his parents William Henry Harrison. He has 
dropped the Henry and the public have abridged the rest of his name to "Harry 
Corson." At the time of his birth his father "kept tavern" and when eight years 
of age, Harry removed with his parents to Monroe, Wisconsin, where his father 
engaged in the mercantile business.  The subject of this sketch attended the 
common schools during his youth and clerked in his father's store until 23 
years of age, when he went to Pleasant Grove, Eldorado county, California, 
and engaged in the hotel business three years, and three years in mining 
and grain speculations, and then returned to Monroe.  Soon after, he was 
employed by a wholesale dry goods house, and was a commercial traveler for 
five years.  In 1870, he came to Sioux Falls, and being acquainted with the 
surrounding country, and recognizing the natural advantages of Sioux Falls, 
he came to the conclusion that it would not be long before it would be an 
enterprising city, and determined to become a resident.  In 1871, he settled 
permanently in Sioux Falls and commenced at once the building of a hotel. 
It was completed and opened to the public on the 5th day of August, 1871, 
and Mr. Foster, commissioner of immigration, who then resided at Rockport, 
Hanson county, was the first to register at the Cataract House.  In 1878, 
Henry T. Corson, a brother of Harry, came to Sioux Falls and from that time 
the business was conducted under the name of W. H. Corson & Brother, which 
partnership still exists.  The same year they made quite an extensive addition 
to the Cataract House on the north, and again, in 1882, remodeled the whole 
building, besides adding largely to its capacity.  The Cataract House is the 
most complete in all its arrangements, as well as the best kept and most popular 
hotel in the state, and while the Corsons live, it will in all probability 
remain the hotel of South Dakota.

"Harry" was not only born in a hotel, but knows how to "keep a hotel," and 
his brother Henry is not only a brother in blood, but was a full brother in the 
hotel business.

With good business qualifications, attentive to the wants of their guests, 
always genial and pleasant, it is no wonder that they were successful hotel 
keepers, and until the hotel was leased in January, 1894, stood at the head 
of the list of popular hotel keepers in South Dakota. Mr. Corson at the 
present time is residing in his residence in the city of Sioux Falls, and 
occupies his time in the management of a farm in Sioux Falls township, which 
is owned by himself and his brother Henry.  He has always been active in 
promoting the interests of the city of Sioux Falls, and his friends are as 
numerous as his circle of acquaintance is extensive.