Mrs. Ella P. Coats Biography

	This biography appears on page 497 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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COATS, MRS. ELLA P., wife of Clark G. Coats, came to Sioux Falls in August, 
1870, and since then has resided there, except a few years, when Mr. Coats 
was farming on a large scale in Mapleton township.  Before moving to their 
farm Mrs. Coats was very active in social affairs and was the first Sunday 
school superintendent in the county, if not in the state. Mrs. Coats is 
quite an artist, and has a large collection of fine paintings which are 
her own production. Her maiden name was Ella Pierson, and at the time of 
her marriage she was a resident of Michigan.