G. C. Christopherson Biography

	This biography appears on page 491 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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CHRISTOPHERSON, G. C. - The subject of this sketch was born at Amherst, Fillmore 
county, Minnesota, in 1865.  He obtained his early education in the district 
school, and in 1881 entered the Decorah Institute; from there he went to the 
LaCrosse Business College, and graduated from that institution in 1885. Two 
years later he took a special teacher's course at the same college from 
Professor Wallace, and in 1887, when Professor Wallace purchased the business 
school at Sioux Falls, Mr. Christopherson was made principal of the same, 
which position he held until in the spring of 1892, when he became the 

Under Professor Christopherson's direction the Sioux Falls Business College 
greatly extended its usefulness, and earned for itself a large patronage 
and a wide reputation for thorough and practical work.  In the spring of 
1894, the Sioux Falls Business College and the Queen City Commercial College 
were consolidated under the name of Dakota Normal College and Business 
University and Professor Christopherson was by the board of directors chosen 
business manager of the institution, in which capacity he has since remained, 
and it is due largely to his efforts that this college now takes a leading 
place among this class of institutions in the Northwest in the methods offered 
young people desirous of obtaining a thorough and practical business education.