Charles A. Christopherson Biography

	This biography appears on page 491 in "History of Minnehaha
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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CHRISTOPERSON, CHARLES A., was born in Fillmore county, Minnesota, July 23, 
1871.  He was raised on a farm and attended the public schools during his 
youth.  He came to Sioux Falls November 24, 1890, and entered the Sioux 
Falls Business College, from which he graduated in 1891.  He then commenced 
the study of law, and was admitted to practice March 8, 1893.  He entered Joe 
Kirby's law office, where he remained one year, and then opened a law office 
by himself, and has continued in the practice of his profession since then. 
He has thus far been engaged principally in the line of collections, and is 
an efficient collector.  He is a young man of great industry and perseverance, 
and is a growing lawyer.