Jerry Carleton Biography

	This biography appears on page 487 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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CARLETON, JERRY, was born at Montpelier, Vermont, October 10, 1865.  He 
attended school and worked on a farm until he removed to Dakota.  He 
arrived in Sioux Falls, May 13, 1882, and was employed as express 
messenger between Tracy, Minn., and Pierre, Dakota, until the March 
following, at which time he returned to Sioux Falls and entered the 
American Express office, where he remained several months.  In 
November, 1882, he bought an interest in the Peterson meat market, and 
continued in this business until January 1, 1890, when he sold out and 
engaged in farming three years.  During 1894 and 1895 he was employed 
in the county treasurer's office of this county.  On the 1st day of 
October, 1897, he was appointed chief deputy United States marshal 
under Marshal Kennedy. He has been a very active member of the Sioux 
Falls fire department for several years, and has been its chief. Jerry 
is well known in political circles and could be removed from his 
present office of marshal by an adverse administration for pernicious 
activity in politics under the civil service rule. A trial would not be 
necessary as he would plead guilty. However, he makes a careful, 
painstaking official, and has a host of friends.