Rev. Gerhard H. Buscher Biography

	This biography appears on page 480-481 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BUSCHER, REV. GERHARD H., was born at Wittlage, Hanover, Germany, 
December 30, 1864.  His parents, who  were honest and well-to-do 
people, came to this country when he was a small boy. They settled at 
Beardstown, Illinois, and the subject of this sketch for eight years 
attended the common schools of that place. Being what they called a 
"bright and honest" boy it was decided by is parents that he should 
study for the ministry, this decision quite concurring with his own 
inclination. Consequently in 1880 he went to Concordia Seminary at 
Springfield, Illinois, a theological institution of the Lutheran Synod 
of Missouri.  After two years he went Fort Wayne, Indiana, where for 
four years he mainly devoted himself to the study of ancient languages.  
Having in 1886 received the diploma of B. A., he entered Concordia 
Seminary at St. Louis. Missouri, where for the next three years he 
devoted his entire attention to the study of theology.  In 1889 he 
accepted a call as pastor of the German Lutheran Zion's Church of Sioux 
Falls, which charge he still occupies. Mr. Buscher is a man of high 
scholarly attainments, an earnest, faithful pastor, and well liked by 
his congregation.