George Washington Burnside Biography

	This biography appears on page 480 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BURNSIDE, GEORGE WASHINGTON, was born in Delaware county, New York, 
November 3, 1858.  His father was a farmer, and removed to Lynn county, 
Iowa, in 1871 and, of course, the subject of this sketch accompanied 
his parents to their western home. For three years he worked on a farm, 
but at the age of sixteen years he went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and 
commenced work at the mason's trade, and continued in this business 
while residing in Iowa. On the 28th day of April, 1883, he arrived in 
Sioux Falls and went to work at his trade.  In 1886-7 he was city 
marshal.  In 1888 he bought out the bus line in the city of Sioux Falls 
and has had control of it since hen.  He was elected alderman from the 
Fifth ward in 1893, and at he three succeeding elections was re-elected 
to the same office.  In 1898 he was nominated for Mayor by the 
Republican party, but was defeated by the present Mayor Lien by ten 
votes.  He is a vote-getter if there is one in the city, but the 
combination against him was too strong to overcome.  He is a member of 
the A. 0. U. W., the B. P. 0. E. and the Masons, and was at one time 
Grand Eminent Commander of the Knights Templar of South Dakota.  He is 
a man of great energy, makes a good official and has a host of friends.