Frederick Buchanan Biography

	This biography appears on page 479-480 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BUCHANAN, FREDERICK,  was born at Cherokee, Iowa, July, 23, 1872.  He 
received his education in the schools at Cherokee and Sioux Falls, and 
completed the same in the State University at Vermillion, South Dakota.  
After this he engaged in newspaper work in Sioux City and Chicago, 
until a short time previous to the decease of his father, Robert 
Buchanan, when he became connected with the Forum, and upon his 
father's death in June, 1895, entered into co-partnership with his 
brother, Ceylon W., under the firm name of Buchanan Bros., and they 
continued the publication of the Forum until about the last of July, 
1896, when it was sold to Schwartz & Grigsby.  Soon after this sale he 
went to Yankton and commenced the publication of a daily newspaper, but 
finding the field an unprofitable one discontinued its publication at 
the end of the presidential campaign.  In connection with the Forum 
plant the Sioux Falls Printing Company furnished ready prints in 
Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota.  Fred Buchanan is possessed of a good 
many of the characteristics of his illustrious sire, especially that of 
an indomitable will in carrying out his projects, and we will hazard 
the prediction that he will be a lively factor in any community where 
he may reside.