Ceylon W. Buchanan Biography

	This biography appears on page 479 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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BUCHANAN, CEYLON W., was born in Tuckersmith, Upper Canada, November 
23, 1865.  He was educated in the public schools and graduated from the 
Bryant and Stratton business college at Chicago.  He is a son of the 
late Robert Buchanan, and resided with his parents until he was twenty-
one years old.  His first business venture was in connection with his 
brother William.  They established a Democratic newspaper at Luverne, 
Minnesota, and published it three years.  In 1888, he was employed as 
mail agent on the Cedar Rapids and Watertown route, and remained in 
that position for nearly a year. From there he went to Oregon and 
worked on a newspaper about a year, and then returned to Dakota, worked 
in a real estate office at Pierre for awhile and was clerk in the 
county treasurer's office in Sioux Falls about one year.  Upon the 
establishment of the South Dakota State Forum by his father he became 
connected with it, and upon the decease of his father, entered into 
copartnership with his brother Fred, and published the Forum until the 
latter part of July 1896.  He was the business manager, and it was this 
firm that established the first patent auxiliary house in Sioux Falls 
for furnishing ready prints.