Rev. W. Howells Buchanan, D. D. Biography

	This biography appears on page 474 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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REV. W. HOWELLS BUCHANAN, D. D., was born at Florence, Pennsylvania, in 
1829; fitted for and entered Jefferson College, and was a student there 
until the close of his sophomore year, then attended the Miami 
University, Ohio, until the close of his junior year, and was graduated 
from Monmouth College, Illinois, receiving the degree of A. B.  The 
next two years was principal of the public schools at Mount Vernon, 
Ohio; studied theology in Oxford, Ohio, and Monmouth, Ill., and was 
licensed to preach in the Presbyterian church in 1859. He built the 
First Presbyterian church at Elvaston, Ill., the Westminster 
Presbyterian church in St. Louis, Mo., and the Madison Square 
Presbyterian church in San Antonio, Texas; has been a member of the 
Presbytery of New York City and Boston, and during the past three years 
of the Presbytery of South Dakota. In 1889, received the degree of D. 
D. from the trustees of Richmond College, Ohio, of which the Rev. Dr. 
G. W. McMillan is president. During the past three years he has been 
City Missionary in Sioux Falls, and is known as an exemplary, earnest 
Christian worker.