Theron G. Brown Biography

	This biography appears on pages 470, 473 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BROWN, THERON G., was born at Ithaca, New York, on the 21st day of 
March, 1856.  He was educated in the common schools, and graduated from 
the high school in Rochester, Minnesota.  He also took a most thorough 
course in shorthand.  In August, 1879, he came to Sioux Falls, and in 
October of that year commenced work as official reporter of the courts 
in the fourth judical district of the Territory of Dakota.  At that 
time Judge Kidder was presiding judge in that district, and Mr. Brown 
remained with him until he died.  Ht was reappointed by Judge Palmer, 
and held the position until 1888, when he resigned.  He was the first 
reporter in the district, and did the first work in Lincoln, Clay and 
Union counties without compensation.  In 1879 the legislature fixed the 
compensation for court reporters, and from that time he received pay 
for his work.  In 1888 he went to Flandreau, Moody county, and was 
engaged in the County Bank of that place for one year.  He then 
returned to Sioux Falls and became the secretary of the city school 
board and of the Mutual Aid Building & Loan Association, and was also 
connected with the Co-operative Savings & Loan Association for several 
years.  He was employed as stenographer by the county court and was 
deputy clerk of the county and circuit courts from 1893, to January, 
1897.  On the 2d day of August, 1897, he was appointed city auditor of 
the city of Sioux Falls. In June, 1899, he removed to Howard, S. D.  
Mr. Brown is a genial good fellow, active in political matters, and an 
esteemed citizen.