Samuel Lewis Brown Biography

	This biography appears on page 470 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BROWN, SAMUEL LEWIS, was born in Genesee county, New York, January 23, 
1853.  He was reared on a farm, and during his youth attended the 
common and high schools.  At the age of twenty years went to Oregon 
Illinois, where he entered a Normal school to fit himself for teaching.  
The year following commenced active work as teacher in the town of 
Bonus, Boone county, Illinois.  In 1875, was elected principal of the 
schools in Union, and two years later held the same position in Capron, 
Illinois.  Remained in Illinois until he removed to Sioux Falls in 
1889.  During the entire time of his residence in that state he was 
engaged in teaching, and established for himself a high reputation as a 
successful educator.  The first year after his coming to Sioux Falls he 
became a teacher in the high school, and in 1890 was elected assistant 
principal of the city schools, which position he occupied until he 
resigned in 1893, to take charge of the Normal institute (which has 
since then merged into the Dakota Normal College.) At the expiration of 
two years he resigned, to accept the chair of Mathematics and 
Pedagogics in the Sioux Falls University, which position he held until 
July, 1897. During the summer vacations for several years past, he has 
been engaged either as instructor or conductor in a number of county 
institutes, and has become widely and favorably known throughout the 
state.  He is always a gentleman, and an exemplary citizen.