Dr. Samuel Augustine Brown Biography

	This biography appears on page 476 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher, http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000031

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BROWN, DR. SAMUEL AUGUSTINE, was born in North Carolina, June 25, 1848; 
was reared on a plantation, and attended the common schools, and the 
Marion high school.  In February, 1867, commenced the study of 
medicine, and was graduated from the Jefferson Medical College at 
Philadelphia in the spring of 1871; took a special course, and was 
examined and admitted into the United States navy as assistant surgeon; 
was assigned to duty in the navy hospital at Norfolk for six months, 
and then on board the Marion a short time, the Powhattan eighteen 
months, and the Kansas eighteen months, and was on board this ship when 
it sailed into the harbor at Santiago de Cuba and demanded the 
prisoners taken from the Virginia, with notice that the city would be 
bombarded in two hours if the request was not complied with; was then 
in the hospital at Philadelphia eighteen months, and from there was 
transferred to the Pacific station; was aboard the Independence at Mare 
Island two years and a half, and was also surgeon of the Pensacola 
hospital in Florida, and remained there six months, when he removed to 
Dakota, and located at Sioux Falls August 28, 1882, where he has since 
resided, practicing his profession; has been city health officer two 
terms, superintendent of Minnehaha County Board of Health two years; 
and on November 27, 1887, formed a copartnership with Dr. A. H. Tufts, 
which partnership still exists.  He has attained a high rank in his 
profession, and the firm of Brown & Tufts gets its full share of 
professional business. Dr. Brown has been advanced to the thirty-second 
degree in Masonry, is of genial temperament, is a respected citizen, 
and has a large circle of friends.