Cass Broughton Biography

	This biography appears on page 469 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BROUGHTON, CASS, was born in Wayne county, New York, March 13, 1844.  
He attended school and worked on a farm until sixteen years old, then 
engaged in railroad work seven years, and in carpenter work until 1870, 
when he came West  He reached Sioux Falls on the 23d day of January of 
that year and the May following, his family arrived.  He then opened a 
boarding house in the old stone building previously occupied by the 
surgeon who had been stationed there with the soldiers.  The building 
was then owned by his brother Ed. Broughton.  On the 30th day of 
January, 1870, he took up a farm in sections thirty and thirty-one in 
Sioux Falls township, where he resided most of the time until 1889, 
when he moved into the city of Sioux Falls.  While a resident of the 
township he held school and township offices, and made a good official. 
He is a respected citizen.