Mark Bridge Biography

	This biography appears on page 467 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BRIDGE, MARK, was born in Berry, Lancashire England, October 7, 1857, 
emigrated with his parents to Winneshiek county, Iowa, in 1864, where 
he attended school and worked in his father's brick yard until eighteen 
years old; then worked on a farm two years; came to Sioux Falls on the 
20th day of April, 1878, and from that time until 1888, was engaged in 
various employments, at one time operating a large farm and raising 
Holstein cattle; engaged in the livery business for several years, and 
in November, 1896, leased the Commercial Hotel in the city of Sioux 
Falls, and has since been the proprietor.  In 1885, was elected 
alderman from the First ward, and by re-elections held this office 
until May, 1890; in 1892, was again elected, and re-elected in 1899, 
holding this office nine years.  He organized Hose Company No.1, the 
first hose company in the county and was made its foreman; was also 
chief of the fire department two years. He never secured an election 
without a contest, but in some way has managed to defeat some of the 
best men in his ward, which settles the fact that he has considerable 
sagacity and strength, and is a factor in local politics not to be 
ignored. He is a popular landlord, and has a wide circle of 