Jesse W. Boyce Biography

	This biography appears on pages 465-466 in "History of Minnehaha 
	County, South Dakota" by Dana R. Bailey and was scanned, OCRed 
	and edited by Joy Fisher,

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BOYCE, JESSE W., is a native of Wisconsin and was born December 19, 
1859. He attended school and worked on his father's farm during his 
youth. Arriving at more mature age he entered the University at 
Madison, Wisconsin, where he remained three years, leaving college at 
the end of the sophomore year. He then read law in the office of J. H. 
Carpenter at Madison a little over year, and then took a year's course 
in the law department of the University. In 1881, he came to Sioux 
Falls and immediately upon arrival was admitted to the bar and entered 
into a copartnership with his brother Frank.  In 1884, when Mr. Noyes 
was added to the firm, Mr. Boyce went to the Boston Law University, 
where he took the three years' course in one year, and was one of seven 
of ninety students who graduated with honors.  In June, 1885, he took 
his degree from the law department in Madison University, and then 
returned to Sioux Falls and resumed the practice of law with his 
brother.  Jesse Boyce was not only a partner in the law firm of Boyce & 
Boyce, but shared with his elder brother Frank in the estimation of the 
legal profession in all the commendations which were freely bestowed 
upon and so well merited by the firm.  Since the death of his brother 
Frank in December, 1896, he has continued in the practice by himself.  
In March, 1893, he married Miss Etta A. Estey, a lady of high social 
accomplishments and rare musical attainments, and his home life is 
exceptionally happy.  Genial, honest and enterprising he makes a good 